[ldns-users] adding FILE* support for Python3

Karel Slany karel.slany at nic.cz
Mon Aug 22 15:33:26 UTC 2011

Hello again,

I've modified the patch. The source now contains only those statements
which can be found in the SWIG documentation. All undocumented code
originating from SWIG source/templates has been removed. The file is now
BSD licensed.

The patch makes the previous posted patch obsolete. The application
procedure remains the same. After patching please run:

chmod +x trunk/contrib/python/examples/python3/ldns-*.py
svn add trunk/contrib/python/file_py3.i
svn add trunk/contrib/python/examples/python3

Best regards,

Dne 22.8.2011 14:44, W.C.A. Wijngaards napsal(a):
> Hi Karel,
> Your effort is commendable, but there looks to be license trouble with
> it.  This is where the trouble seems to be from:
> +++ trunk/contrib/python/file_py3.i	(revision 0)
> @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
> +/*
> + * file_py3.i: Typemaps for FILE* for Python 3. Based on SWIG's file.i (See
> + * the COPYRIGHT file for a list of contributors to SWIG and their
> copyright
> + * notices.)
> + *
> + * Copyright (c) 2011, Karel Slany (karel.slany AT nic.cz)
> + *
> + * The redistribution and/or modification terms follow the SWIG licensing
> + * and distribution terms.
> + */
> That COPYRIGHT file is from swig, lists their 100s of authors.  So it
> looks like that file.i was part of the swig sourcecode.  The swig
> sourcecode has the GPLv3 license (they have a legal stuff webpage).
> Code generated by swig has very liberal licensing, that is what we have
> now, we use the output of swig to generate code for us.  But it seems
> that file.i was part of the swig sourcecode ...
> So, that means, assuming it is created by editing the GPLv3 work, that
> the patch could be hosted in the contrib/ dir, and we explain the
> license on that patch in a README.  And it does not get applied to the
> main code.  Not exactly sure if we should put GPL code in the contrib of
> a BSD tarball, perhaps a web url advertising the patch would be neater.
> Not sure if it may be easier to simply have the FILE I/O with python 3
> io lib and feed that into the string parser routines of ldns.
> The ldns project uses the BSD license.
> Best regards,
>    Wouter
> On 08/22/2011 01:42 PM, Karel Slany wrote:
>> Hi Wouter,
>> many thanks for applying the previous patches. Here is another one. As
>> promised it contains a workaround to enable SWIG to generate FILE*
>> wrapper code for Python3. The Python2 wrapper code remains unaffected.
>> Here is a brief explanation why this patch does what it does:
>>  The I/O in Python2 relies on C standard library -- it uses FILE* and
>> the Python2/C API contains a straightforward solution how to access
>> these structures from C.
>>  Python3 uses the io module containing layers of buffers over the low
>> level I/O which the OS provides. The Python3/C file API was reduced --
>> no more functions for direct FILE* access. Also the io module C API does
>> not contain support for direct FILE* access.
>>  The Python3/C file API provides a way how to obtain a file descriptor.
>> But since the Python3 has their own buffers the documentation warns
>> against mixing access between Python3 and OS-level file descriptors.
>> What this patch does:
>>  In order to get a valid FILE* pointer from a Python object it wraps a
>> ldns C function which takes a FILE* argument with C code that:
>> * ensures itself whether the object is a file object
>> * flushes the python buffers using a python method call
>> * gets the file descriptor and flags and creates a copy of the file
>> descriptor
>> * opens a FILE* for the descriptor copy
>> * passes the opened FILE* to the wrapped function
>> * after the execution of the function flushes the FILE* and closes it
>> The buffer flushes in Python and C ensure the correct order of written
>> data but also may slow-down the code. I have not tested the performance
>> impacts very thoroughly. The goal was to make FILE* work in Python3. I
>> also do not know what the code will be behaving like when executed in a
>> multi-threaded application.
>> In order to get rid of the sometimes unnecessary buffer flushes the
>> Python3 wrapper can be extended with function opening a file for ldns
>> only. Such an approach, however, introduces an inconvenience of
>> closing/reopening/closing the file when accessing the files from Python
>> (but giving the user control over unnecessary buffer flushing).
>> The patch contains new files to the SVN repository so please do not
>> forget to make the Python3 example scripts executable and to 'svn add'
>> all the new files:
>> chmod +x trunk/contrib/python/examples/python3/ldns-*.py
>> svn add trunk/contrib/python/file_py3.i
>> svn add trunk/contrib/python/examples/python3
>> I have tested the new code under the GNU/Linux userland using Python
>> 3.1. I intent to test it also under FreeBSD -- don't know whether it
>> would compile under Windows.
>> Best regards,
>> K.
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