[Dnssec-trigger] dnssec-trigger 0.13

W.C.A. Wijngaards wouter at nlnetlabs.nl
Thu Dec 15 10:26:45 UTC 2016

Hi Phil,

On 15/12/16 11:14, Phil Regnauld wrote:
> W.C.A. Wijngaards (wouter) writes:
>> Hi,
>> There are new versions of the installers available on the website, for
>> 0.13.  This includes new unbound, 1.6.0.  They can be installed by
>> manually downloading and installing the installer.
> 	Awesome!
> 	Just installed it - working fine, but not seeing the anchor
> 	icon in the menu bar... I can see dnssec-trigged and unbound
> 	are running (this is on OSX Sierra).

A reboot should fix that, or you can use this commandline, if you do not
want to reboot,
launchctl load -w

I've also found the likely culprit in the install script that checked
for swvers 10.11, but sierra is 10.12 ... (it now has != 10.10).

Best regards, Wouter

> 	Great work!
> 	Cheers,
> 	Phil

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