[Dnssec-trigger] Preliminary patch to support Mac OS X 10.11

Philip Paeps philip at trouble.is
Sat Oct 3 09:05:30 UTC 2015

Since Mac OS X 10.11, third party applications are no longer allowed
to install software in /usr, so the dnssec-trigger installation 
package is currently broken.

Happily, the software will build and run without too much trouble.

Attached is a preliminary patch to support Mac OS X 10.11.


 o This only fixes the build of dnssec-trigger, I've made no attempt
   yet at fixing the package build script.
 o My patch expects ldns and openssl to be installed by homebrew in
   their default locations.
 o The LaunchAgent for the panel application appears not to work.
   open /usr/local/libexec/RiggerStatusItem.app to start it.
   The daemon and the trigger code do work.

I'll try to find some time next week to clean this up.
Unless someone else beats me to it. ;-)


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Ministry of Information
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