[Dnssec-trigger] Dnssec Problem

Matthäus Wander matthaeus.wander at uni-due.de
Sun Jun 10 21:14:00 UTC 2012


Am 10.06.2012 22:04, schrieb Bob Katz:
> I have just installed dnssec–trigger on my mac 10.7.4. The problem is
> after running the command dnssec–trigger–control–setup I don't know if
> dnssec is enabled. After I run the dig command I do not get the ad flag
> and one dnssec test website states no dnssec. However another test
> website states the dnssec is enabled.  I have included in this email a
> terminal output and a probe result. What am I missing ?

You can test these names:
sigok.verteiltesysteme.net (should return A record)
sigfail.verteiltesysteme.net (should return SERVFAIL)

Different results from test websites may be caused by browser cache or a 
secondary DNS resolver. You can check with "scutil --dns" that you only 
use as resolver.

Could you run the test at http://dnssec.vs.uni-due.de and tell me which 
test returned a no previously?

Kind regards,

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