Packet #1, Direction: Out, Time:15:36:43.126191, Size: 66 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 62480, Total IP Length = 52 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 52 (0x34) Identification: 62480 (0xF410) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=......S., SrcPort=56240, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=4211971673, Ack=0, Win=64240 (Negotiating scale factor 0x8) = 64240 SrcPort: 56240 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 4211971673 (0xFB0D9659) AcknowledgementNumber: 0 (0x0) DataOffset: 128 (0x80) DataOffset: (1000....) 32 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ......S. CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...0....) Acknowledgement field not significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......1.) Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 64240 (Negotiating scale factor 0x8) = 64240 Checksum: 0xDBA5, Bad (Must be 0x29CD) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPOptions MaxSegmentSize type: Maximum Segment Size. 2(0x2) OptionLength: 4 (0x4) MaxSegmentSize: 1460 (0x5B4) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) WindowsScaleFactor type: Window scale factor. 3(0x3) Length: 3 (0x3) ShiftCount: 8 (0x8) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) SACKPermitted type: SACK permitted. 4(0x4) OptionLength: 2 (0x2) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 34 F4 10 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .4.@.....@e 0x0020 82 31 DB B0 01 BB FB 0D-96 59 00 00 00 00 80 02 1۰..Y..... 0x0030 FA F0 DB A5 00 00 02 04-05 B4 01 03 03 08 01 01 ۥ........... 0x0040 04 02 .. ============================================================================ Packet #2, Direction: In, Time:15:36:43.132081, Size: 66 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 0, Total IP Length = 52 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 52 (0x34) Identification: 0 (0x0) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 25925 (0x6545) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A..S., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56240, PayloadLen=0, Seq=993094612, Ack=4211971674, Win=65535 (Negotiated scale factor 0x9) = 33553920 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56240 SequenceNumber: 993094612 (0x3B316BD4) AcknowledgementNumber: 4211971674 (0xFB0D965A) DataOffset: 128 (0x80) DataOffset: (1000....) 32 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A..S. CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......1.) Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 65535 (Negotiated scale factor 0x9) = 33553920 Checksum: 0x7DBA, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPOptions MaxSegmentSize type: Maximum Segment Size. 2(0x2) OptionLength: 4 (0x4) MaxSegmentSize: 1440 (0x5A0) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) SACKPermitted type: SACK permitted. 4(0x4) OptionLength: 2 (0x2) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) WindowsScaleFactor type: Window scale factor. 3(0x3) Length: 3 (0x3) ShiftCount: 9 (0x9) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 00 34 00 00 40 00 3A 06-65 45 97 65 82 31 C0 A8 .4..@.:.eEe1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B0 3B 31-6B D4 FB 0D 96 5A 80 12 .@.۰;1k.Z. 0x0030 FF FF 7D BA 00 00 02 04-05 A0 01 01 04 02 01 03 }........... 0x0040 03 09 .. ============================================================================ Packet #3, Direction: Out, Time:15:36:43.132335, Size: 54 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 62481, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 62481 (0xF411) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=56240, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=4211971674, Ack=993094613, Win=1029 SrcPort: 56240 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 4211971674 (0xFB0D965A) AcknowledgementNumber: 993094613 (0x3B316BD5) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1029 Checksum: 0xDB99, Bad (Must be 0xBA75) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 28 F4 11 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .(.@.....@e 0x0020 82 31 DB B0 01 BB FB 0D-96 5A 3B 31 6B D5 50 10 1۰..Z;1kP. 0x0030 04 05 DB 99 00 00 ..ۙ.. ============================================================================ Packet #4, Direction: Out, Time:15:36:43.145931, Size: 372 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 62482, Total IP Length = 358 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 358 (0x166) Identification: 62482 (0xF412) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=56240, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=318, Seq=4211971674 - 4211971992, Ack=993094613, Win=1029 SrcPort: 56240 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 4211971674 (0xFB0D965A) AcknowledgementNumber: 993094613 (0x3B316BD5) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...AP... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....1...) Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1029 Checksum: 0xDCD7, Bad (Must be 0x1B55) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 56240, DestinationPort = 443 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: Client Hello. TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.0 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 1 (0x1) Length: 313 (0x139) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 1 (0x1) HandShakeType: ClientHello(0x01) Length: 309 (0x135) ClientHello Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) RandomBytes TimeStamp: 05/08/2070, 03:47:13.000000 UTC RandomBytes: Binary Large Object (28 Bytes) SessionIDLength: 32 (0x20) SessionID: Binary Large Object (32 Bytes) CipherSuitesLength: 62 TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 4866 (0x1302) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 4867 (0x1303) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 4865 (0x1301) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 { 0xC0, 0x2C } Cipher: 49196 (0xC02C) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 { 0xC0, 0x30 } Cipher: 49200 (0xC030) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 { 0x00, 0x9F } Cipher: 159 (0x9F) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 52393 (0xCCA9) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 52392 (0xCCA8) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 52394 (0xCCAA) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x2B } Cipher: 49195 (0xC02B) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x2F } Cipher: 49199 (0xC02F) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x9E } Cipher: 158 (0x9E) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 { 0xC0, 0x24 } Cipher: 49188 (0xC024) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 { 0xC0, 0x28 } Cipher: 49192 (0xC028) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x6B } Cipher: 107 (0x6B) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x23 } Cipher: 49187 (0xC023) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x27 } Cipher: 49191 (0xC027) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x67 } Cipher: 103 (0x67) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA { 0xC0, 0x0A } Cipher: 49162 (0xC00A) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA { 0xC0, 0x14 } Cipher: 49172 (0xC014) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA { 0x00, 0x39 } Cipher: 57 (0x39) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA { 0xC0, 0x09 } Cipher: 49161 (0xC009) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA { 0xC0, 0x13 } Cipher: 49171 (0xC013) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA { 0x00, 0x33 } Cipher: 51 (0x33) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 { 0x00, 0x9D } Cipher: 157 (0x9D) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x9C } Cipher: 156 (0x9C) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x3D } Cipher: 61 (0x3D) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x3C } Cipher: 60 (0x3C) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA { 0x00, 0x35 } Cipher: 53 (0x35) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA { 0x00, 0x2F } Cipher: 47 (0x2F) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 255 (0xFF) CompressionMethodsLength: 1 (0x1) CompressionMethods: 0 (0x0) ExtensionsLength: 174 (0xAE) ClientHelloExtension: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionType: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionLength: 21 (0x15) NameListLength: 19 (0x13) NameType: Host Name (0) NameLength: 16 (0x10) ServerName: ClientHelloExtension: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionType: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionLength: 4 (0x4) ECPointLength: 3 (0x3) ECPointFormat: uncompressed(0x00) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_prime(0x01) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_char2(0x02) ClientHelloExtension: Elliptic Curves(0x000A) ExtensionType: Elliptic Curves(0x000A) ExtensionLength: 12 (0xC) CurvesLength: 10 (0xA) NamedCurve: Unknown Extension Type NamedCurve: secp256r1(0x0017) NamedCurve: Unknown Extension Type NamedCurve: secp521r1(0x0019) NamedCurve: secp384r1(0x0018) ClientHelloExtension: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionType: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ClientHelloExtension: Signature Algorithms(0x000D) ExtensionType: Signature Algorithms(0x000D) ExtensionLength: 48 (0x30) Data: Binary Large Object (48 Bytes) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 9 (0x9) Data: Binary Large Object (9 Bytes) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 2 (0x2) Data: Binary Large Object (2 Bytes) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 38 (0x26) Data: Binary Large Object (38 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 01 66 F4 12 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .f.@.....@e 0x0020 82 31 DB B0 01 BB FB 0D-96 5A 3B 31 6B D5 50 18 1۰..Z;1kP. 0x0030 04 05 DC D7 00 00 16 03-01 01 39 01 00 01 35 03 ........9...5. 0x0040 03 BD 36 0C C1 67 56 AD-8B 05 BB DA 85 7A 32 78 .6.gV.څz2x 0x0050 61 EC 53 42 5B D7 7E 0F-0F 5B 08 F9 16 C7 71 86 aSB[~..[..q 0x0060 49 20 83 54 E6 55 E7 5F-F4 07 4D 02 AC 3D 1D 98 I TU_.M.=. 0x0070 38 15 E5 A0 9F DD 43 D6-F2 D2 09 E4 D0 ED F8 E0 8.堟C. 0x0080 23 1C 00 3E 13 02 13 03-13 01 C0 2C C0 30 00 9F #..>......,0. 0x0090 CC A9 CC A8 CC AA C0 2B-C0 2F 00 9E C0 24 C0 28 ̨̩̪+/.$( 0x00A0 00 6B C0 23 C0 27 00 67-C0 0A C0 14 00 39 C0 09 .k#'.g...9. 0x00B0 C0 13 00 33 00 9D 00 9C-00 3D 00 3C 00 35 00 2F ..3...=.<.5./ 0x00C0 00 FF 01 00 00 AE 00 00-00 15 00 13 00 00 10 75 .............u 0x00D0 72 6C 68 61 75 73 2E 61-62 75 73 65 2E 63 68 00 0x00E0 0B 00 04 03 00 01 02 00-0A 00 0C 00 0A 00 1D 00 ................ 0x00F0 17 00 1E 00 19 00 18 00-23 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 ........#....... 0x0100 17 00 00 00 0D 00 30 00-2E 04 03 05 03 06 03 08 ......0......... 0x0110 07 08 08 08 09 08 0A 08-0B 08 04 08 05 08 06 04 ................ 0x0120 01 05 01 06 01 03 03 02-03 03 01 02 01 03 02 02 ................ 0x0130 02 04 02 05 02 06 02 00-2B 00 09 08 03 04 03 03 ........+....... 0x0140 03 02 03 01 00 2D 00 02-01 01 00 33 00 26 00 24 .....-.....3.&.$ 0x0150 00 1D 00 20 B8 50 71 D4-1B 73 A1 4B C6 26 07 64 ... Pq.sK&.d 0x0160 CF DB E6 D3 75 A9 77 A6-DD 35 BF CB 8B 31 EA 69 uw5ˋ1i 0x0170 85 26 69 15 &i. ============================================================================ Packet #5, Direction: In, Time:15:36:43.151358, Size: 60 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 36803, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 36803 (0x8FC3) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 54669 (0xD58D) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56240, PayloadLen=0, Seq=993094613, Ack=4211971992, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56240 SequenceNumber: 993094613 (0x3B316BD5) AcknowledgementNumber: 4211971992 (0xFB0D9798) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0xBCB9, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Padding: Binary Large Object (6 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 00 28 8F C3 40 00 3A 06-D5 8D 97 65 82 31 C0 A8 .(@.:.Սe1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B0 3B 31-6B D5 FB 0D 97 98 50 10 .@.۰;1k.P. 0x0030 00 83 BC B9 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 ......... ============================================================================ Packet #6, Direction: In, Time:15:36:43.153415, Size: 1494 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 36804, Total IP Length = 1480 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 1480 (0x5C8) Identification: 36804 (0x8FC4) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 53228 (0xCFEC) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56240, PayloadLen=1440, Seq=993094613 - 993096053, Ack=4211971992, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56240 SequenceNumber: 993094613 (0x3B316BD5) AcknowledgementNumber: 4211971992 (0xFB0D9798) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0xADF5, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56240 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: Server Hello.; TLS Rec Layer-2 HandShake: Certificate. TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 69 (0x45) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 2 (0x2) HandShakeType: ServerHello(0x02) Length: 65 (0x41) ServerHello Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) RandomBytes TimeStamp: 31/03/2095, 07:28:33.000000 UTC RandomBytes: Binary Large Object (28 Bytes) SessionIDLength: 0 (0x0) TLSCipherSuite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x2F } CompressionMethod: 0 (0x0) ExtensionsLength: 25 (0x19) ServerHelloExtension: Renegotiation Info(0xFF01) ExtensionType: Renegotiation Info(0xFF01) ExtensionLength: 1 (0x1) Data: Binary Large Object (1 Bytes) ServerHelloExtension: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionType: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ServerHelloExtension: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionType: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionLength: 4 (0x4) ECPointLength: 3 (0x3) ECPointFormat: uncompressed(0x00) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_prime(0x01) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_char2(0x02) ServerHelloExtension: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionType: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ServerHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-2 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 3973 (0xF85) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 11 (0xB) HandShakeType: Certificate(0x0B) Length: 3969 (0xF81) Cert CertLength: 3966 (0xF7E) Certificates CertificateLength: 2793 (0xAE9) X509Cert SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 2789, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 2789 bytes TbsCertificate: Issuer: , Subject: SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 2509, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 2509 bytes Tag0 AsnId: Context Specific Constructed Tag (0) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00000) 0 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 2 Version: (0) Version: 2 AsnIntegerHeader AsnId: Integer type (Universal 2) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00010) 2 AsnLen: Length = 1, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 1 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AsnInt: 2 (0x0) SerialNumber SerialNumber: 0 AsnIntegerHeader AsnId: Integer type (Universal 2) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00010) 2 AsnLen: Length = 12, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 12 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AsnInt: 0 (0x0) Signature SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Algorithm: Sha256WithRSAEncryption (1.2.840.113549.1.1.11) AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 42 (0x2A) Part: 134 (0x86) Final: 72 (0x48) Part: 134 (0x86) Part: 247 (0xF7) Final: 13 (0xD) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 11 (0xB) Parameters Sha256WithRSAEncryption: Null Value AsnNullHeader AsnId: Null type (Universal 5) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00101) 5 AsnLen: Length = 0, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 0 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Issuer RdnSequence: ,, SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 87, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 87 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 11, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 11 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCountryName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 6 (0x6) Value Value IdAtCountryName CountryName String: BE AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 2, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 2 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: BE Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 25, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 25 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 23, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 23 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtOrganizationName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 10 (0xA) Value Value IdAtOrganizationName PrintableString String: GlobalSign nv-sa AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 16, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 16 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: GlobalSign nv-sa Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 45, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 45 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 43, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 43 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCommonName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 3 (0x3) Value Value IdAtCommonName PrintableString String: GlobalSign CloudSSL CA - SHA256 - G3 AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 36, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 36 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: GlobalSign CloudSSL CA - SHA256 - G3 Validity: From: To: SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 30, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 30 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 NotBefore UtcTime: 02/12/21 14:28:20 UTC AsnUtcTimeHeader AsnId: UTCTime type (Universal 23) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10111) 23 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Year: 21 Month: 02 Day: 12 Hours: 14 Minutes: 28 Seconds: 20 TZD: Z NotAfter UtcTime: 08/04/21 18:27:52 UTC AsnUtcTimeHeader AsnId: UTCTime type (Universal 23) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10111) 23 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Year: 21 Month: 08 Day: 04 Hours: 18 Minutes: 27 Seconds: 52 TZD: Z Subject RdnSequence: ,,,, SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 119, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 119 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 11, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 11 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCountryName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 6 (0x6) Value Value IdAtCountryName CountryName String: US AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 2, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 2 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: US Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 19, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 19 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 17, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 17 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtStateOrProvinceName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 8 (0x8) Value Value IdAtStateOrProvinceName Utf8String: California Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 10, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 10 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: California Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 22, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 22 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 20, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 20 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtLocalityName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 7 (0x7) Value Value IdAtLocalityName Utf8String: San Francisco Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: San Francisco Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 21, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 21 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 19, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 19 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtOrganizationName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 10 (0xA) Value Value IdAtOrganizationName Utf8String: Fastly, Inc. Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 12, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 12 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: Fastly, Inc. Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 36, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 36 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 34, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 34 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCommonName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 3 (0x3) Value Value IdAtCommonName Utf8String: Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 27, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 27 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: SubjectPublicKeyInfo SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 290, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 290 bytes Algorithm SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 2 Algorithm: RsaEncryption (1.2.840.113549.1.1.1) AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 42 (0x2A) Part: 134 (0x86) Final: 72 (0x48) Part: 134 (0x86) Part: 247 (0xF7) Final: 13 (0xD) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) Parameters RsaEncryption: Null Value AsnNullHeader AsnId: Null type (Universal 5) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00101) 5 AsnLen: Length = 0, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 0 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 SubjectPublicKey AsnBitStringHeader AsnId: BitString type (Universal 3) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00011) 3 AsnLen: Length = 271, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 271 bytes BitString Tag3 AsnId: Context Specific Constructed Tag (3) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00011) 3 AsnLen: Length = 1935, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 1935 bytes Extensions SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 1931, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 1931 bytes Extension: IdCeKeyUsage ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 14, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 14 bytes, LengthOfLength = 2 ExtnId: IdCeKeyUsage ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 29 (0x1D) Final: 15 (0xF) Critical: True AsnBooleanHeader AsnId: Boolean type (Universal 1) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00001) 1 AsnLen: Length = 1, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 1 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Tf: 255 (0xFF) OctetStringHeader AsnId: OctetString type (Universal 4) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00100) 4 AsnLen: Length = 4, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 4 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue IdCeKeyUsage BitStringHeader AsnId: BitString type (Universal 3) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00011) 3 AsnLen: Length = 2, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 2 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 usage: 1440 (0x5A0) DigitalSignature: (0...............) NonRepudiation: (.0..............) KeyEncipherment: (..0.............) DataEncipherment: (...0............) KeyAgreement: (....0...........) KeyCertSign: (.....1..........) Subject public key is used for verifying a signature on public key certificates CrlSign: (......0.........) EncipherOnly: (.......1........) DecipherOnly: (........1.......) Unused: (.........0100000) Extension: IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 138, LengthOfLength = 1 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 1 Length: 138 bytes ExtnId: IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 1 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) OctetStringHeader AsnId: OctetString type (Universal 4) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00100) 4 AsnLen: Length = 126, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 126 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 124, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 124 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Description SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 66, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 66 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AccessMethod: PKIX_CA_ISSUERS ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 48 (0x30) Final: 2 (0x2) AccessLocation UniformResourceIdentifier String: AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Context Specific Primitive Tag (6) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 54, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 54 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: Description SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 54, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 54 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AccessMethod: PKIX_OCSP ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 48 (0x30) Final: 1 (0x1) AccessLocation UniformResourceIdentifier String: AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Context Specific Primitive Tag (6) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 42, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 42 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: Extension: IdCeCertificatePolicies ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 86, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 86 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnId: IdCeCertificatePolicies ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 29 (0x1D) Final: 32 (0x20) OctetStringHeader AsnId: OctetString type (Universal 4) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00100) 4 AsnLen: Length = 79, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 79 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue IdCeCertificatePolicies SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 77, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 77 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Policy SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 65, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 65 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyIdentifier Id: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 1 (0x1) Part: 160 (0xA0) Final: 50 (0x32) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 20 (0x14) SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 52, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 52 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifier SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 50, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 50 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifierId Id: PKIX_POLICY_QUALIFIER_CPS ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 2 (0x2) Final: 1 (0x1) Qualifier CPSUri Uri String: AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: IA5String type (Universal 22) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10110) 22 AsnLen: Length = 38, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 38 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: Policy SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyIdentifier Id: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 6, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 6 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 103 (0x67) Part: 129 (0x81) Final: 12 (0xC) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 2 (0x2) Final: 2 (0x2) SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifier SequenceHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifierId Id: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: Application Primitive Tag (21) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10101) 21 AsnLen: Length = 29, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 29 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 19 (0x13) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 2 (0x2) Final: 48 (0x30) Final: 0 (0x0) Final: 48 (0x30) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 33 (0x21) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 3 (0x3) Final: 85 (0x55) Final: 29 (0x1D) Final: 17 (0x11) Final: 4 (0x4) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 24 (0x18) Final: 48 (0x30) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 20 (0x14) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 27 (0x1B) Final: 112 (0x70) Final: 50 (0x32) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 104 (0x68) Qualifier UnknownOidExtension AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (1) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00001) 1 AsnLen: Length = 114, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 114 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 BlobValue: Binary Large Object (114 Bytes) Extension: UnknownOidExtension ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Enumerated type (Universal 10) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01010) 10 AsnLen: Length = 46, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 46 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnId: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (1) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00001) 1 AsnLen: Length = 98, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 98 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 117 (0x75) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 104 (0x68) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 19 (0x13) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 118 (0x76) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 103 (0x67) Final: 109 (0x6D) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 112 (0x70) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 15 (0xF) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 109 (0x6D) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 105 (0x69) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 23 (0x17) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 104 (0x68) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 118 (0x76) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 107 (0x6B) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 21 (0x15) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 104 (0x68) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 118 (0x76) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 17 (0x11) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 111 (0x6F) OctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (14) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01110) 14 AsnLen: Length = 116, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 116 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue UnknownOidExtension AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (16) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 97, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 97 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 BlobValue: Binary Large Object (97 Bytes) AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (15) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01111) 15 AsnLen: Length = 114, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 114 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 BlobValue: Binary Large Object (114 Bytes) Extension: UnknownOidExtension ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Reserved for future editions of this Recommendation | International Standard (Universal 14) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01110) 14 AsnLen: Length = 118, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 118 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnId: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (20) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10100) 20 AsnLen: Length = 115, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 115 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 22 (0x16) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 120 (0x78) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 116 (0x74) Final: 103 (0x67) Final: 49 (0x31) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 107 (0x6B) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 19 (0x13) Final: 50 (0x32) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 104 (0x68) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 112 (0x70) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 116 (0x74) Final: 46 (0x2E) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 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IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 1480 (0x5C8) Identification: 36805 (0x8FC5) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 53227 (0xCFEB) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56240, PayloadLen=1440, Seq=993096053 - 993097493, Ack=4211971992, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56240 SequenceNumber: 993096053 (0x3B317175) AcknowledgementNumber: 4211971992 (0xFB0D9798) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0x5B26, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56240 UnknownData: Binary Large Object (1440 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 05 C8 8F C5 40 00 3A 06-CF EB 97 65 82 31 C0 A8 .ȏ@.:.e1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B0 3B 31-71 75 FB 0D 97 98 50 10 .@.۰;1qu.P. 0x0030 00 83 5B 26 00 00 63 6F-6D 82 13 33 62 6C 65 61 .[& 0x0040 63 68 65 72 72 65 70 6F-72 74 2E 63 6F 6D 82 13 0x0050 34 62 6C 65 61 63 68 65-72 72 65 70 6F 72 74 2E 4bleacherreport. 0x0060 63 6F 6D 82 13 38 62 6C-65 61 63 68 65 72 72 65 com.8bleacherre 0x0070 70 6F 72 74 2E 63 6F 6D-82 08 61 62 75 73 65 2E 0x0080 63 68 82 0D 63 64 6E 2E-66 77 75 70 64 2E 6F 72 ch.cdn.fwupd.or 0x0090 67 82 11 63 64 6E 2E 6C-69 76 69 6E 67 6D 61 70 g.cdn.livingmap 0x00A0 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0E 63 64-6E 2E 73 65 61 74 65 64 .com.cdn.seated 0x00B0 2E 63 6F 6D 82 13 63 6C-69 6E 69 63 61 6C 6F 70 .com.clinicalop 0x00C0 74 69 6F 6E 73 2E 63 6F-6D 82 26 63 6F 6E 74 65 0x00D0 6E 74 2D 70 72 65 70 72-6F 64 2E 62 65 61 76 65 nt-preprod.beave 0x00E0 72 62 72 6F 6F 6B 73 77-65 62 32 2E 63 6F 2E 75 0x00F0 6B 82 1A 63 6F 6E 74 65-6E 74 2E 62 65 61 76 65 k.content.beave 0x0100 72 62 72 6F 6F 6B 73 2E-63 6F 2E 75 6B 82 11 63 0x0110 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 67-61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 0x0120 82 1E 63 6F 70 74 65 72-72 6F 79 61 6C 65 2E 63 .copterroyale.c 0x0130 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 67-61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 0x0140 82 18 64 38 2D 64 65 76-2E 63 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 .d8-dev.coolmat 0x0150 68 67 61 6D 65 73 2E 63-6F 6D 82 19 64 65 66 6C 0x0160 79 69 6F 2E 63 6F 6F 6C-6D 61 74 68 67 61 6D 65 yio.coolmathgame 0x0170 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0D 64-69 6D 65 6E 73 69 6F 6E 0x0180 73 2E 61 69 82 15 64 6F-6C 6C 61 72 73 68 61 76 0x0190 65 63 6C 75 62 2E 63 6F-2E 75 6B 82 13 64 6F 6C 0x01A0 6C 61 72 73 68 61 76 65-63 6C 75 62 2E 63 6F 6D 0x01B0 82 0F 64 6F 6E 74 70 61-79 66 75 6C 6C 2E 63 6F 0x01C0 6D 82 0E 65 6C 75 6E 69-76 65 72 73 6F 2E 63 6F 0x01D0 6D 82 0D 66 65 65 64 6D-61 72 6B 65 74 2E 66 72 0x01E0 82 1C 69 64 65 6E 74 69-74 79 2E 6C 69 6E 75 78 .identity.linux 0x01F0 66 6F 75 6E 64 61 74 69-6F 6E 2E 6F 72 67 82 0A 0x0200 6A 77 61 74 63 68 2E 6F-72 67 82 19 6C 69 73 74 0x0210 73 2E 6C 69 6E 75 78 66-6F 75 6E 64 61 74 69 6F s.linuxfoundatio 0x0220 6E 2E 6F 72 67 82 19 6D-2D 73 74 61 67 65 2E 63 0x0230 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 67-61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 0x0240 82 13 6D 2E 63 6F 6F 6C-6D 61 74 68 67 61 6D 65 .m.coolmathgame 0x0250 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0C 6D-6F 64 63 6C 6F 74 68 2E 0x0260 6E 65 74 82 0C 6F 72 69-6F 6E 6C 61 62 73 2E 69 net.orionlabs.i 0x0270 6F 82 0A 73 63 6F 64 6C-65 2E 63 6F 6D 82 17 73 0x0280 74 61 67 65 2E 63 6F 6F-6C 6D 61 74 68 67 61 6D tage.coolmathgam 0x0290 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 14-73 74 61 67 69 6E 67 2E 0x02A0 61 70 70 62 6C 61 64 65-2E 63 6F 6D 82 1B 73 74 0x02B0 67 2E 70 6C 61 74 66 6F-72 6D 2E 65 6C 75 6E 69 g.platform.eluni 0x02C0 76 65 72 73 6F 2E 63 6F-6D 82 0E 74 68 65 66 6F 0x02D0 72 65 6D 61 6E 2E 6F 72-67 82 15 76 69 64 65 6F 0x02E0 2D 63 64 6E 2E 71 75 69-70 70 65 72 2E 63 6F 6D 0x02F0 82 17 76 69 64 65 6F 73-2E 63 61 6C 63 77 6F 72 .videos.calcwor 0x0300 6B 73 68 6F 70 2E 63 6F-6D 82 07 76 74 73 2E 63 0x0310 6F 6D 82 15 77 77 77 2E-63 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 om.www.coolmath 0x0320 67 61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F-6D 82 12 77 77 77 2E 65 0x0330 6C 75 6E 69 76 65 72 73-6F 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0E 77 0x0340 77 77 2E 66 6C 69 6E 74-6F 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0F 77 0x0350 77 77 2E 6E 65 74 61 63-65 61 2E 63 6F 6D 30 1D ww.netacea.com0. 0x0360 06 03 55 1D 25 04 16 30-14 06 08 2B 06 01 05 05 ..U.%..0...+.... 0x0370 07 03 01 06 08 2B 06 01-05 05 07 03 02 30 1F 06 .....+.......0.. 0x0380 03 55 1D 23 04 18 30 16-80 14 A9 2B 87 E1 CE 24 .U.#..0..+$ 0x0390 47 3B 1B BF CF 85 37 02-55 9D 0D 94 58 E6 30 1D G;.υ7.U.X0. 0x03A0 06 03 55 1D 0E 04 16 04-14 D8 23 B4 78 C3 C9 AB ..U......#xɫ 0x03B0 60 9E A9 56 42 21 E5 F5-62 B5 6F BD 39 30 82 01 `VB!bo90. 0x03C0 03 06 0A 2B 06 01 04 01-D6 79 02 04 02 04 81 F4 ...+....y.... 0x03D0 04 81 F1 00 EF 00 76 00-5C DC 43 92 FE E6 AB 45 ...v.\CE 0x03E0 44 B1 5E 9A D4 56 E6 10-37 FB D5 FA 47 DC A1 73 D^V.7Gܡs 0x03F0 94 B2 5E E6 F6 C7 0E CA-00 00 01 77 96 A4 95 08 ^....w. 0x0400 00 00 04 03 00 47 30 45-02 21 00 C0 57 67 DF 51 .....G0E.!.WgQ 0x0410 EC B6 3C A4 E6 F2 B4 1C-7B 6A 06 9E 96 FD 0C A4 <.{j.. 0x0420 BB C2 1A 1C D6 75 4E F3-2D 00 73 02 20 6F 8A 6A ..uN-.s. oj 0x0430 C8 F1 A4 E0 23 13 B3 9B-0A CA 04 3B 9B AE 51 AB #...;Q 0x0440 2B 0E E3 F7 F5 16 03 54-70 CF 51 78 7F 00 75 00 +...TpQx.u. 0x0450 F6 5C 94 2F D1 77 30 22-14 54 18 08 30 94 56 8E \/w0".T..0V 0x0460 E3 4D 13 19 33 BF DF 0C-2F 20 0B CC 4E F1 64 E3 M..3./ .Nd 0x0470 00 00 01 77 96 A4 95 BA-00 00 04 03 00 46 30 44 ...w.....F0D 0x0480 02 20 48 97 72 EC D9 D8-1A 87 93 42 F3 9F 14 71 . 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Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0x928E, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56240 UnknownData: Binary Large Object (1440 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 05 C8 8F C6 40 00 3A 06-CF EA 97 65 82 31 C0 A8 .ȏ@.:.e1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B0 3B 31-77 15 FB 0D 97 98 50 10 .@.۰;1w..P. 0x0030 00 83 92 8E 00 00 62 84-00 04 8F 30 82 04 8B 30 ...b..0.0 0x0040 82 03 73 A0 03 02 01 02-02 0E 46 F0 8C DB CF 2C .s......F, 0x0050 54 66 EF 33 01 DD 5F 34-30 0D 06 09 2A 86 48 86 Tf3._40...*H 0x0060 F7 0D 01 01 0B 05 00 30-57 31 0B 30 09 06 03 55 ......0W1.0...U 0x0070 04 06 13 02 42 45 31 19-30 17 06 03 55 04 0A 13 ....BE1.0...U... 0x0080 10 47 6C 6F 62 61 6C 53-69 67 6E 20 6E 76 2D 73 .GlobalSign nv-s 0x0090 61 31 10 30 0E 06 03 55-04 0B 13 07 52 6F 6F 74 a1.0...U....Root 0x00A0 20 43 41 31 1B 30 19 06-03 55 04 03 13 12 47 6C CA1.0...U....Gl 0x00B0 6F 62 61 6C 53 69 67 6E-20 52 6F 6F 74 20 43 41 obalSign Root CA 0x00C0 30 1E 17 0D 31 35 30 38-31 39 30 30 30 30 30 30 0...150819000000 0x00D0 5A 17 0D 32 35 30 38 31-39 30 30 30 30 30 30 5A Z..250819000000Z 0x00E0 30 57 31 0B 30 09 06 03-55 04 06 13 02 42 45 31 0W1.0...U....BE1 0x00F0 19 30 17 06 03 55 04 0A-13 10 47 6C 6F 62 61 6C .0...U....Global 0x0100 53 69 67 6E 20 6E 76 2D-73 61 31 2D 30 2B 06 03 Sign nv-sa1-0+.. 0x0110 55 04 03 13 24 47 6C 6F-62 61 6C 53 69 67 6E 20 U...$GlobalSign 0x0120 43 6C 6F 75 64 53 53 4C-20 43 41 20 2D 20 53 48 CloudSSL CA - SH 0x0130 41 32 35 36 20 2D 20 47-33 30 82 01 22 30 0D 06 A256 - G30."0.. 0x0140 09 2A 86 48 86 F7 0D 01-01 01 05 00 03 82 01 0F .*H......... 0x0150 00 30 82 01 0A 02 82 01-01 00 A3 C0 75 E1 32 98 .0......u2 0x0160 E5 D9 AE 84 7C 8D E8 23-5F 46 95 5B 4C A2 25 70 ٮ|#_F[L%p 0x0170 D7 90 04 85 80 C9 B5 F4-8A 65 4D 92 CB A5 C4 42 א.ɵeM˥B 0x0180 A0 B6 79 25 31 ED F1 85-20 CD 13 51 3D 67 AC 97 y%1 .Q=g 0x0190 4D 68 9B 33 86 5C B3 7B-2D AA DF 77 A0 61 D1 F5 Mh3\{-wa 0x01A0 3C FB 9A FC D3 D5 94 CA-C9 1E 80 1B 90 90 C8 AC <Ք..Ȭ 0x01B0 8D F6 60 17 9C 31 B8 C5-61 A2 E2 6E 57 25 08 6F `.1anW%.o 0x01C0 24 99 99 CF 94 BF C7 8B-6B B0 1F CA 14 FA 18 9B $ϔNjk... 0x01D0 6C 10 7C 99 2B DA 4A 63-E5 B2 4E C2 FD 3E 10 0B l.|+JcN>.. 0x01E0 48 F4 77 0B 2F F0 96 4B-3A EE BD 35 DE 85 8D DA Hw./K:5ޅ 0x01F0 13 0E CE 01 C4 71 D3 D3-77 C5 08 A6 60 39 25 A7 ...qw.`9% 0x0200 27 69 5C 83 D1 6F 76 78-EE C5 44 5B 45 BD 29 3B 'i\ovxD[E); 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Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 86 (0x56) Identification: 36807 (0x8FC7) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 54619 (0xD55B) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56240, PayloadLen=46, Seq=993098933 - 993098979, Ack=4211971992, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56240 SequenceNumber: 993098933 (0x3B317CB5) AcknowledgementNumber: 4211971992 (0xFB0D9798) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...AP... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....1...) Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0x3AC4, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56240 UnknownData: Binary Large Object (46 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 00 56 8F C7 40 00 3A 06-D5 5B 97 65 82 31 C0 A8 .V@.:.[e1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B0 3B 31-7C B5 FB 0D 97 98 50 18 .@.۰;1|.P. 0x0030 00 83 3A C4 00 00 2A 76-52 F8 45 54 D9 F2 24 10 .:..*vRET$. 0x0040 DE 1E EF 8E 74 BD F0 6A-93 E8 72 F5 D6 6F 60 56 .tjro`V 0x0050 14 BD E3 C5 9E 2D D6 A1-32 2F 8F 16 03 03 00 04 .Ş-֡2/..... 0x0060 0E 00 00 00 .... ============================================================================ Packet #10, Direction: Out, Time:15:36:43.153859, Size: 54 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 62483, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 62483 (0xF413) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=56240, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=4211971992, Ack=993098979, Win=1029 SrcPort: 56240 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 4211971992 (0xFB0D9798) AcknowledgementNumber: 993098979 (0x3B317CE3) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1029 Checksum: 0xDB99, Bad (Must be 0xA829) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 28 F4 13 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .(.@.....@e 0x0020 82 31 DB B0 01 BB FB 0D-97 98 3B 31 7C E3 50 10 1۰..;1|P. 0x0030 04 05 DB 99 00 00 ..ۙ.. ============================================================================ Packet #11, Direction: Out, Time:15:36:43.156467, Size: 147 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 62484, Total IP Length = 133 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 133 (0x85) Identification: 62484 (0xF414) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=56240, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=93, Seq=4211971992 - 4211972085, Ack=993098979, Win=1029 SrcPort: 56240 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 4211971992 (0xFB0D9798) AcknowledgementNumber: 993098979 (0x3B317CE3) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...AP... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....1...) Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1029 Checksum: 0xDBF6, Bad (Must be 0x9D99) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 56240, DestinationPort = 443 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: Client Key Exchange.; TLS Rec Layer-2 Cipher Change Spec; TLS Rec Layer-3 HandShake: Encrypted Handshake Message. TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 37 (0x25) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 16 (0x10) HandShakeType: Client Key Exchange(0x10) Length: 33 (0x21) ClientKeyExchange: Binary Large Object (33 Bytes) TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-2 Cipher Change Spec ContentType: Cipher Change Spec Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 1 (0x1) ChangeCipherSpec ChangeCipherSpecValue: 1 (0x1) TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-3 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 40 (0x28) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 16 (0x10) EncryptedHandshakeMessage: Binary Large Object (40 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 85 F4 14 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 ..@.....@e 0x0020 82 31 DB B0 01 BB FB 0D-97 98 3B 31 7C E3 50 18 1۰..;1|P. 0x0030 04 05 DB F6 00 00 16 03-03 00 25 10 00 00 21 20 ........%...! 0x0040 C8 C6 6A 53 49 80 FB 3F-B6 24 C7 A5 17 93 A5 F6 jSI?$ǥ. 0x0050 FD 06 39 8E 69 E6 7D 48-5A 17 2A A1 50 B2 52 54 .9i}HZ.*PRT 0x0060 14 03 03 00 01 01 16 03-03 00 28 93 53 25 E6 FC ..........(S% 0x0070 94 D1 E4 E6 A7 F0 C7 87-58 4A 92 30 FD 1A 6F 60 LJXJ0.o` 0x0080 D3 A3 33 22 6D 4E C4 E3-62 FB AF 8F BA 37 72 0A ӣ3"mNb7r. 0x0090 E7 9B 7F  ============================================================================ Packet #12, Direction: In, Time:15:36:43.162176, Size: 312 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 36808, Total IP Length = 298 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 298 (0x12A) Identification: 36808 (0x8FC8) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 54406 (0xD486) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56240, PayloadLen=258, Seq=993098979 - 993099237, Ack=4211972085, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56240 SequenceNumber: 993098979 (0x3B317CE3) AcknowledgementNumber: 4211972085 (0xFB0D97F5) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...AP... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....1...) Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0xC790, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56240 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: Encrypted Handshake Message.; TLS Rec Layer-2 Cipher Change Spec; TLS Rec Layer-3 HandShake: Encrypted Handshake Message. TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 202 (0xCA) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 4 (0x4) HandShakeType: Encrypted Handshake Message EncryptedHandshakeMessage: Binary Large Object (201 Bytes) TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-2 Cipher Change Spec ContentType: Cipher Change Spec Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 1 (0x1) ChangeCipherSpec ChangeCipherSpecValue: 1 (0x1) TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-3 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 40 (0x28) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 4 (0x4) EncryptedHandshakeMessage: Binary Large Object (40 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 01 2A 8F C8 40 00 3A 06-D4 86 97 65 82 31 C0 A8 .*@.:.Ԇe1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B0 3B 31-7C E3 FB 0D 97 F5 50 18 .@.۰;1|.P. 0x0030 00 83 C7 90 00 00 16 03-03 00 CA 04 00 00 C6 00 .ǐ.......... 0x0040 00 1C 20 00 C0 78 51 49-8A 0B 5A 78 BC B6 46 59 .. .xQI.ZxFY 0x0050 5A E4 67 75 98 F4 9C 2C-F1 8D 4C 30 06 AB 16 AA Zgu,L0.. 0x0060 87 77 2D 3E 87 1F 25 17-57 AD 83 3F CF 5C 41 D5 w->.%.W?\A 0x0070 82 94 60 64 47 A9 B0 AA-14 DC D9 11 7E 39 6B AE `dG..~9k 0x0080 A7 FD DF C7 4F D2 0D EB-2D 67 50 18 B8 F1 2B 60 O.-gP.+` 0x0090 1B DE 48 46 04 68 CF 56-39 F3 24 B5 E8 34 69 E5 .HF.hV9$4i 0x00A0 84 4C 87 DD 4E 15 9B A0-E7 F1 D5 40 40 8A 64 00 LN.@@d. 0x00B0 B0 2F D9 28 ED 33 09 3D-5D 25 62 0F C0 F9 A3 AA /(3.=]%b. 0x00C0 FC 53 2A 20 3E 5B 01 EF-98 24 B7 99 D2 12 0E BD S* >[.$.. 0x00D0 90 34 18 A3 84 95 5E 90-BA 90 6C CC 98 A4 96 90 4.^l̘ 0x00E0 50 12 D2 E7 11 2C 6C D2-55 FD 62 E3 A6 22 B0 26 P..,lUb"& 0x00F0 F5 43 06 74 4B CD CE 4F-BA 80 D6 2F C0 31 94 5F C.tKO/1_ 0x0100 66 C7 33 26 E1 14 03 03-00 01 01 16 03 03 00 28 f3&..........( 0x0110 A6 FB 5C 1A 2A E5 55 2E-8F 9D E9 33 CC BA 84 5A \.*U.3̺Z 0x0120 E1 81 77 12 CF DA 25 ED-50 2C 51 FD 6D F1 06 EE w.%P,Qm. 0x0130 0B CD 85 6F F9 D1 BD 60- .ͅoѽ` ============================================================================ Packet #13, Direction: Out, Time:15:36:43.205423, Size: 54 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 62485, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 62485 (0xF415) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=56240, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=4211972085, Ack=993099237, Win=1028 SrcPort: 56240 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 4211972085 (0xFB0D97F5) AcknowledgementNumber: 993099237 (0x3B317DE5) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1028 Checksum: 0xDB99, Bad (Must be 0xA6CB) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 28 F4 15 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .(.@.....@e 0x0020 82 31 DB B0 01 BB FB 0D-97 F5 3B 31 7D E5 50 10 1۰..;1}P. 0x0030 04 04 DB 99 00 00 ..ۙ.. ============================================================================ Packet #14, Direction: Out, Time:15:36:53.119021, Size: 85 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 62486, Total IP Length = 71 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 71 (0x47) Identification: 62486 (0xF416) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=56240, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=31, Seq=4211972085 - 4211972116, Ack=993099237, Win=1028 SrcPort: 56240 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 4211972085 (0xFB0D97F5) AcknowledgementNumber: 993099237 (0x3B317DE5) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...AP... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....1...) Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1028 Checksum: 0xDBB8, Bad (Must be 0x125E) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 56240, DestinationPort = 443 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 Encrypted Alert TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 Encrypted Alert ContentType: Encrypted Alert Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 26 (0x1A) EncryptedData: Binary Large Object (26 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 47 F4 16 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .G.@.....@e 0x0020 82 31 DB B0 01 BB FB 0D-97 F5 3B 31 7D E5 50 18 1۰..;1}P. 0x0030 04 04 DB B8 00 00 15 03-03 00 1A 93 53 25 E6 FC ..۸.......S% 0x0040 94 D1 E5 DD 0B CA 36 CB-32 EB 94 FF A8 99 3E E9 .62> 0x0050 01 DE F7 FC C1 . ============================================================================ Packet #15, Direction: Out, Time:15:36:53.119155, Size: 54 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 62487, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 62487 (0xF417) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...F, SrcPort=56240, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=4211972116, Ack=993099237, Win=1028 SrcPort: 56240 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 4211972116 (0xFB0D9814) AcknowledgementNumber: 993099237 (0x3B317DE5) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A...F CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......1) End of data Window: 1028 Checksum: 0xDB99, Bad (Must be 0xA6AB) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 28 F4 17 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .(.@.....@e 0x0020 82 31 DB B0 01 BB FB 0D-98 14 3B 31 7D E5 50 11 1۰...;1}P. 0x0030 04 04 DB 99 00 00 ..ۙ.. ============================================================================ Packet #16, Direction: Out, Time:15:36:53.119459, Size: 66 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 7719, Total IP Length = 52 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 52 (0x34) Identification: 7719 (0x1E27) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=......S., SrcPort=56244, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=3824011797, Ack=0, Win=64240 (Negotiating scale factor 0x8) = 64240 SrcPort: 56244 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 3824011797 (0xE3EDCA15) AcknowledgementNumber: 0 (0x0) DataOffset: 128 (0x80) DataOffset: (1000....) 32 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ......S. CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...0....) Acknowledgement field not significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......1.) Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 64240 (Negotiating scale factor 0x8) = 64240 Checksum: 0x9BA5, Bad (Must be 0x4D2D) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPOptions MaxSegmentSize type: Maximum Segment Size. 2(0x2) OptionLength: 4 (0x4) MaxSegmentSize: 1460 (0x5B4) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) WindowsScaleFactor type: Window scale factor. 3(0x3) Length: 3 (0x3) ShiftCount: 8 (0x8) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) SACKPermitted type: SACK permitted. 4(0x4) OptionLength: 2 (0x2) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 34 1E 27 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .4.'@.....@e 0x0020 42 31 DB B4 01 BB E3 ED-CA 15 00 00 00 00 80 02 B1۴....... 0x0030 FA F0 9B A5 00 00 02 04-05 B4 01 03 03 08 01 01 ........... 0x0040 04 02 .. ============================================================================ Packet #17, Direction: In, Time:15:36:53.125391, Size: 85 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 36809, Total IP Length = 71 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 71 (0x47) Identification: 36809 (0x8FC9) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 54632 (0xD568) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56240, PayloadLen=31, Seq=993099237 - 993099268, Ack=4211972117, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56240 SequenceNumber: 993099237 (0x3B317DE5) AcknowledgementNumber: 4211972117 (0xFB0D9815) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...AP... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....1...) Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0x2FD4, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56240 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 Encrypted Alert TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 Encrypted Alert ContentType: Encrypted Alert Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 26 (0x1A) EncryptedData: Binary Large Object (26 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 00 47 8F C9 40 00 3A 06-D5 68 97 65 82 31 C0 A8 .G@.:.he1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B0 3B 31-7D E5 FB 0D 98 15 50 18 .@.۰;1}..P. 0x0030 00 83 2F D4 00 00 15 03-03 00 1A A6 FB 5C 1A 2A ./.......\.* 0x0040 E5 55 2F F8 22 98 15 01-51 28 82 63 59 B5 8A B2 U/"..Q(cY 0x0050 BD F4 49 31 26 I1& ============================================================================ Packet #18, Direction: In, Time:15:36:53.125550, Size: 66 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 0, Total IP Length = 52 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 52 (0x34) Identification: 0 (0x0) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 42309 (0xA545) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A..S., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56244, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2542437383, Ack=3824011798, Win=65535 (Negotiated scale factor 0x9) = 33553920 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56244 SequenceNumber: 2542437383 (0x978A8407) AcknowledgementNumber: 3824011798 (0xE3EDCA16) DataOffset: 128 (0x80) DataOffset: (1000....) 32 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A..S. CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......1.) Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 65535 (Negotiated scale factor 0x9) = 33553920 Checksum: 0x2C8E, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPOptions MaxSegmentSize type: Maximum Segment Size. 2(0x2) OptionLength: 4 (0x4) MaxSegmentSize: 1440 (0x5A0) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) SACKPermitted type: SACK permitted. 4(0x4) OptionLength: 2 (0x2) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) WindowsScaleFactor type: Window scale factor. 3(0x3) Length: 3 (0x3) ShiftCount: 9 (0x9) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 00 34 00 00 40 00 3A 06-A5 45 97 65 42 31 C0 A8 .4..@.:.EeB1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B4 97 8A-84 07 E3 ED CA 16 80 12 .@.۴... 0x0030 FF FF 2C 8E 00 00 02 04-05 A0 01 01 04 02 01 03 ,........... 0x0040 03 09 .. ============================================================================ Packet #19, Direction: Out, Time:15:36:53.125705, Size: 54 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 62488, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 62488 (0xF418) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A.R.., SrcPort=56240, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=4211972117, Ack=993099268, Win=0 SrcPort: 56240 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 4211972117 (0xFB0D9815) AcknowledgementNumber: 993099268 (0x3B317E04) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.R.. CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....1..) Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 0 Checksum: 0xDB99, Bad (Must be 0xAA8C) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 28 F4 18 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .(.@.....@e 0x0020 82 31 DB B0 01 BB FB 0D-98 15 3B 31 7E 04 50 14 1۰...;1~.P. 0x0030 00 00 DB 99 00 00 ..ۙ.. ============================================================================ Packet #20, Direction: Out, Time:15:36:53.125788, Size: 54 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 7720, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 7720 (0x1E28) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=56244, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=3824011798, Ack=2542437384, Win=1029 SrcPort: 56244 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 3824011798 (0xE3EDCA16) AcknowledgementNumber: 2542437384 (0x978A8408) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1029 Checksum: 0x9B99, Bad (Must be 0x6949) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 28 1E 28 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .(.(@.....@e 0x0020 42 31 DB B4 01 BB E3 ED-CA 16 97 8A 84 08 50 10 B1۴...P. 0x0030 04 05 9B 99 00 00 .... ============================================================================ Packet #21, Direction: In, Time:15:36:53.125789, Size: 60 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 36810, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 36810 (0x8FCA) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 54662 (0xD586) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...F, SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56240, PayloadLen=0, Seq=993099268, Ack=4211972117, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56240 SequenceNumber: 993099268 (0x3B317E04) AcknowledgementNumber: 4211972117 (0xFB0D9815) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A...F CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......1) End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0xAA0C, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Padding: Binary Large Object (6 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 00 28 8F CA 40 00 3A 06-D5 86 97 65 82 31 C0 A8 .(@.:.Նe1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B0 3B 31-7E 04 FB 0D 98 15 50 11 .@.۰;1~...P. 0x0030 00 83 AA 0C 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 .......... ============================================================================ Packet #22, Direction: Out, Time:15:36:53.129185, Size: 372 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 7721, Total IP Length = 358 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 358 (0x166) Identification: 7721 (0x1E29) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=56244, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=318, Seq=3824011798 - 3824012116, Ack=2542437384, Win=1029 SrcPort: 56244 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 3824011798 (0xE3EDCA16) AcknowledgementNumber: 2542437384 (0x978A8408) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...AP... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....1...) Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1029 Checksum: 0x9CD7, Bad (Must be 0xA465) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 56244, DestinationPort = 443 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: Client Hello. TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.0 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 1 (0x1) Length: 313 (0x139) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 1 (0x1) HandShakeType: ClientHello(0x01) Length: 309 (0x135) ClientHello Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) RandomBytes TimeStamp: 16/07/2079, 10:53:26.000000 UTC RandomBytes: Binary Large Object (28 Bytes) SessionIDLength: 32 (0x20) SessionID: Binary Large Object (32 Bytes) CipherSuitesLength: 62 TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 4866 (0x1302) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 4867 (0x1303) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 4865 (0x1301) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 { 0xC0, 0x2C } Cipher: 49196 (0xC02C) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 { 0xC0, 0x30 } Cipher: 49200 (0xC030) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 { 0x00, 0x9F } Cipher: 159 (0x9F) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 52393 (0xCCA9) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 52392 (0xCCA8) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 52394 (0xCCAA) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x2B } Cipher: 49195 (0xC02B) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x2F } Cipher: 49199 (0xC02F) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x9E } Cipher: 158 (0x9E) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 { 0xC0, 0x24 } Cipher: 49188 (0xC024) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 { 0xC0, 0x28 } Cipher: 49192 (0xC028) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x6B } Cipher: 107 (0x6B) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x23 } Cipher: 49187 (0xC023) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x27 } Cipher: 49191 (0xC027) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x67 } Cipher: 103 (0x67) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA { 0xC0, 0x0A } Cipher: 49162 (0xC00A) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA { 0xC0, 0x14 } Cipher: 49172 (0xC014) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA { 0x00, 0x39 } Cipher: 57 (0x39) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA { 0xC0, 0x09 } Cipher: 49161 (0xC009) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA { 0xC0, 0x13 } Cipher: 49171 (0xC013) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA { 0x00, 0x33 } Cipher: 51 (0x33) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 { 0x00, 0x9D } Cipher: 157 (0x9D) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x9C } Cipher: 156 (0x9C) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x3D } Cipher: 61 (0x3D) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x3C } Cipher: 60 (0x3C) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA { 0x00, 0x35 } Cipher: 53 (0x35) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA { 0x00, 0x2F } Cipher: 47 (0x2F) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 255 (0xFF) CompressionMethodsLength: 1 (0x1) CompressionMethods: 0 (0x0) ExtensionsLength: 174 (0xAE) ClientHelloExtension: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionType: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionLength: 21 (0x15) NameListLength: 19 (0x13) NameType: Host Name (0) NameLength: 16 (0x10) ServerName: ClientHelloExtension: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionType: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionLength: 4 (0x4) ECPointLength: 3 (0x3) ECPointFormat: uncompressed(0x00) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_prime(0x01) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_char2(0x02) ClientHelloExtension: Elliptic Curves(0x000A) ExtensionType: Elliptic Curves(0x000A) ExtensionLength: 12 (0xC) CurvesLength: 10 (0xA) NamedCurve: Unknown Extension Type NamedCurve: secp256r1(0x0017) NamedCurve: Unknown Extension Type NamedCurve: secp521r1(0x0019) NamedCurve: secp384r1(0x0018) ClientHelloExtension: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionType: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ClientHelloExtension: Signature Algorithms(0x000D) ExtensionType: Signature Algorithms(0x000D) ExtensionLength: 48 (0x30) Data: Binary Large Object (48 Bytes) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 9 (0x9) Data: Binary Large Object (9 Bytes) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 2 (0x2) Data: Binary Large Object (2 Bytes) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 38 (0x26) Data: Binary Large Object (38 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 01 66 1E 29 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .f.)@.....@e 0x0020 42 31 DB B4 01 BB E3 ED-CA 16 97 8A 84 08 50 18 B1۴...P. 0x0030 04 05 9C D7 00 00 16 03-01 01 39 01 00 01 35 03 ........9...5. 0x0040 03 CE 09 85 26 DF 95 E5-79 6F 4D 2F 74 DC 32 36 ..&ߕyoM/t26 0x0050 32 36 85 34 F3 6E 9E AA-47 C9 D6 43 B8 9E 34 87 264nGC4 0x0060 EA 20 A3 F4 96 1A 49 50-5B AB B7 C8 15 56 95 D4 .IP[.V 0x0070 24 28 C8 49 AE 6E 80 11-97 4C BC 65 26 B1 22 33 $(In.Le&"3 0x0080 04 5F 00 3E 13 02 13 03-13 01 C0 2C C0 30 00 9F ._.>......,0. 0x0090 CC A9 CC A8 CC AA C0 2B-C0 2F 00 9E C0 24 C0 28 ̨̩̪+/.$( 0x00A0 00 6B C0 23 C0 27 00 67-C0 0A C0 14 00 39 C0 09 .k#'.g...9. 0x00B0 C0 13 00 33 00 9D 00 9C-00 3D 00 3C 00 35 00 2F ..3...=.<.5./ 0x00C0 00 FF 01 00 00 AE 00 00-00 15 00 13 00 00 10 75 .............u 0x00D0 72 6C 68 61 75 73 2E 61-62 75 73 65 2E 63 68 00 0x00E0 0B 00 04 03 00 01 02 00-0A 00 0C 00 0A 00 1D 00 ................ 0x00F0 17 00 1E 00 19 00 18 00-23 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 ........#....... 0x0100 17 00 00 00 0D 00 30 00-2E 04 03 05 03 06 03 08 ......0......... 0x0110 07 08 08 08 09 08 0A 08-0B 08 04 08 05 08 06 04 ................ 0x0120 01 05 01 06 01 03 03 02-03 03 01 02 01 03 02 02 ................ 0x0130 02 04 02 05 02 06 02 00-2B 00 09 08 03 04 03 03 ........+....... 0x0140 03 02 03 01 00 2D 00 02-01 01 00 33 00 26 00 24 .....-.....3.&.$ 0x0150 00 1D 00 20 DE 20 F9 BE-B6 23 42 44 13 27 62 FA ... #BD.'b 0x0160 1A B5 60 83 71 FF B1 E0-C0 30 B7 F4 0E 45 58 64 .`q0.EXd 0x0170 2D 92 29 1F -). ============================================================================ Packet #23, Direction: In, Time:15:36:53.134930, Size: 60 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 26618, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 26618 (0x67FA) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 15703 (0x3D57) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56244, PayloadLen=0, Seq=2542437384, Ack=3824012116, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56244 SequenceNumber: 2542437384 (0x978A8408) AcknowledgementNumber: 3824012116 (0xE3EDCB54) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0x6B8D, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Padding: Binary Large Object (6 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 00 28 67 FA 40 00 3A 06-3D 57 97 65 42 31 C0 A8 .(g@.:.=WeB1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B4 97 8A-84 08 E3 ED CB 54 50 10 .@.۴.TP. 0x0030 00 83 6B 8D 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 .k........ ============================================================================ Packet #24, Direction: In, Time:15:36:53.137325, Size: 1494 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 26619, Total IP Length = 1480 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 1480 (0x5C8) Identification: 26619 (0x67FB) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 14262 (0x37B6) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56244, PayloadLen=1440, Seq=2542437384 - 2542438824, Ack=3824012116, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56244 SequenceNumber: 2542437384 (0x978A8408) AcknowledgementNumber: 3824012116 (0xE3EDCB54) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0x2B33, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56244 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: Server Hello.; TLS Rec Layer-2 HandShake: Certificate. TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 69 (0x45) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 2 (0x2) HandShakeType: ServerHello(0x02) Length: 65 (0x41) ServerHello Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) RandomBytes TimeStamp: 02/01/2006, 11:39:50.000000 UTC RandomBytes: Binary Large Object (28 Bytes) SessionIDLength: 0 (0x0) TLSCipherSuite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x2F } CompressionMethod: 0 (0x0) ExtensionsLength: 25 (0x19) ServerHelloExtension: Renegotiation Info(0xFF01) ExtensionType: Renegotiation Info(0xFF01) ExtensionLength: 1 (0x1) Data: Binary Large Object (1 Bytes) ServerHelloExtension: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionType: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ServerHelloExtension: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionType: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionLength: 4 (0x4) ECPointLength: 3 (0x3) ECPointFormat: uncompressed(0x00) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_prime(0x01) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_char2(0x02) ServerHelloExtension: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionType: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ServerHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-2 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 3973 (0xF85) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 11 (0xB) HandShakeType: Certificate(0x0B) Length: 3969 (0xF81) Cert CertLength: 3966 (0xF7E) Certificates CertificateLength: 2793 (0xAE9) X509Cert SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 2789, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 2789 bytes TbsCertificate: Issuer: , Subject: SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 2509, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 2509 bytes Tag0 AsnId: Context Specific Constructed Tag (0) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00000) 0 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 2 Version: (0) Version: 2 AsnIntegerHeader AsnId: Integer type (Universal 2) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00010) 2 AsnLen: Length = 1, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 1 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AsnInt: 2 (0x0) SerialNumber SerialNumber: 0 AsnIntegerHeader AsnId: Integer type (Universal 2) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00010) 2 AsnLen: Length = 12, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 12 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AsnInt: 0 (0x0) Signature SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Algorithm: Sha256WithRSAEncryption (1.2.840.113549.1.1.11) AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 42 (0x2A) Part: 134 (0x86) Final: 72 (0x48) Part: 134 (0x86) Part: 247 (0xF7) Final: 13 (0xD) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 11 (0xB) Parameters Sha256WithRSAEncryption: Null Value AsnNullHeader AsnId: Null type (Universal 5) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00101) 5 AsnLen: Length = 0, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 0 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Issuer RdnSequence: ,, SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 87, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 87 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 11, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 11 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCountryName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 6 (0x6) Value Value IdAtCountryName CountryName String: BE AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 2, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 2 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: BE Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 25, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 25 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 23, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 23 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtOrganizationName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 10 (0xA) Value Value IdAtOrganizationName PrintableString String: GlobalSign nv-sa AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 16, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 16 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: GlobalSign nv-sa Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 45, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 45 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 43, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 43 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCommonName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 3 (0x3) Value Value IdAtCommonName PrintableString String: GlobalSign CloudSSL CA - SHA256 - G3 AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 36, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 36 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: GlobalSign CloudSSL CA - SHA256 - G3 Validity: From: To: SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 30, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 30 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 NotBefore UtcTime: 02/12/21 14:28:20 UTC AsnUtcTimeHeader AsnId: UTCTime type (Universal 23) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10111) 23 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Year: 21 Month: 02 Day: 12 Hours: 14 Minutes: 28 Seconds: 20 TZD: Z NotAfter UtcTime: 08/04/21 18:27:52 UTC AsnUtcTimeHeader AsnId: UTCTime type (Universal 23) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10111) 23 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Year: 21 Month: 08 Day: 04 Hours: 18 Minutes: 27 Seconds: 52 TZD: Z Subject RdnSequence: ,,,, SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 119, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 119 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 11, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 11 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCountryName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 6 (0x6) Value Value IdAtCountryName CountryName String: US AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 2, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 2 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: US Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 19, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 19 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 17, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 17 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtStateOrProvinceName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 8 (0x8) Value Value IdAtStateOrProvinceName Utf8String: California Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 10, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 10 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: California Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 22, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 22 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 20, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 20 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtLocalityName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 7 (0x7) Value Value IdAtLocalityName Utf8String: San Francisco Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: San Francisco Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 21, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 21 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 19, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 19 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtOrganizationName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 10 (0xA) Value Value IdAtOrganizationName Utf8String: Fastly, Inc. Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 12, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 12 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: Fastly, Inc. Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 36, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 36 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 34, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 34 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCommonName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 3 (0x3) Value Value IdAtCommonName Utf8String: Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 27, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 27 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: SubjectPublicKeyInfo SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 290, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 290 bytes Algorithm SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 2 Algorithm: RsaEncryption (1.2.840.113549.1.1.1) AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 42 (0x2A) Part: 134 (0x86) Final: 72 (0x48) Part: 134 (0x86) Part: 247 (0xF7) Final: 13 (0xD) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) Parameters RsaEncryption: Null Value AsnNullHeader AsnId: Null type (Universal 5) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00101) 5 AsnLen: Length = 0, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 0 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 SubjectPublicKey AsnBitStringHeader AsnId: BitString type (Universal 3) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00011) 3 AsnLen: Length = 271, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 271 bytes BitString Tag3 AsnId: Context Specific Constructed Tag (3) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00011) 3 AsnLen: Length = 1935, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 1935 bytes Extensions SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 1931, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 1931 bytes Extension: IdCeKeyUsage ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 14, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 14 bytes, LengthOfLength = 2 ExtnId: IdCeKeyUsage ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 29 (0x1D) Final: 15 (0xF) Critical: True AsnBooleanHeader AsnId: Boolean type (Universal 1) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00001) 1 AsnLen: Length = 1, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 1 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Tf: 255 (0xFF) OctetStringHeader AsnId: OctetString type (Universal 4) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00100) 4 AsnLen: Length = 4, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 4 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue IdCeKeyUsage BitStringHeader AsnId: BitString type (Universal 3) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00011) 3 AsnLen: Length = 2, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 2 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 usage: 1440 (0x5A0) DigitalSignature: (0...............) NonRepudiation: (.0..............) KeyEncipherment: (..0.............) DataEncipherment: (...0............) KeyAgreement: (....0...........) KeyCertSign: (.....1..........) Subject public key is used for verifying a signature on public key certificates CrlSign: (......0.........) EncipherOnly: (.......1........) DecipherOnly: (........1.......) Unused: (.........0100000) Extension: IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 138, LengthOfLength = 1 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 1 Length: 138 bytes ExtnId: IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 1 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) OctetStringHeader AsnId: OctetString type (Universal 4) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00100) 4 AsnLen: Length = 126, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 126 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 124, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 124 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Description SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 66, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 66 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AccessMethod: PKIX_CA_ISSUERS ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 48 (0x30) Final: 2 (0x2) AccessLocation UniformResourceIdentifier String: AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Context Specific Primitive Tag (6) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 54, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 54 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: Description SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 54, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 54 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AccessMethod: PKIX_OCSP ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 48 (0x30) Final: 1 (0x1) AccessLocation UniformResourceIdentifier String: AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Context Specific Primitive Tag (6) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 42, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 42 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: Extension: IdCeCertificatePolicies ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 86, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 86 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnId: IdCeCertificatePolicies ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 29 (0x1D) Final: 32 (0x20) OctetStringHeader AsnId: OctetString type (Universal 4) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00100) 4 AsnLen: Length = 79, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 79 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue IdCeCertificatePolicies SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 77, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 77 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Policy SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 65, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 65 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyIdentifier Id: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 1 (0x1) Part: 160 (0xA0) Final: 50 (0x32) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 20 (0x14) SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 52, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 52 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifier SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 50, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 50 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifierId Id: PKIX_POLICY_QUALIFIER_CPS ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 2 (0x2) Final: 1 (0x1) Qualifier CPSUri Uri String: AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: IA5String type (Universal 22) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10110) 22 AsnLen: Length = 38, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 38 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: Policy SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyIdentifier Id: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 6, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 6 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 103 (0x67) Part: 129 (0x81) Final: 12 (0xC) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 2 (0x2) Final: 2 (0x2) SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifier SequenceHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifierId Id: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: Application Primitive Tag (21) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10101) 21 AsnLen: Length = 29, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 29 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 19 (0x13) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 2 (0x2) Final: 48 (0x30) Final: 0 (0x0) Final: 48 (0x30) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 33 (0x21) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 3 (0x3) Final: 85 (0x55) Final: 29 (0x1D) Final: 17 (0x11) Final: 4 (0x4) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 24 (0x18) Final: 48 (0x30) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 20 (0x14) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 27 (0x1B) Final: 112 (0x70) Final: 50 (0x32) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 104 (0x68) Qualifier UnknownOidExtension AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (1) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00001) 1 AsnLen: Length = 114, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 114 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 BlobValue: Binary Large Object (114 Bytes) Extension: UnknownOidExtension ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Enumerated type (Universal 10) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01010) 10 AsnLen: Length = 46, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 46 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnId: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (1) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00001) 1 AsnLen: Length = 98, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 98 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 117 (0x75) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 104 (0x68) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 19 (0x13) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 118 (0x76) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 103 (0x67) Final: 109 (0x6D) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 112 (0x70) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 15 (0xF) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 109 (0x6D) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 105 (0x69) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 23 (0x17) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 104 (0x68) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 118 (0x76) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 107 (0x6B) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 21 (0x15) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 104 (0x68) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 118 (0x76) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 17 (0x11) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 111 (0x6F) OctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (14) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01110) 14 AsnLen: Length = 116, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 116 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue UnknownOidExtension AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (16) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 97, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 97 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 BlobValue: Binary Large Object (97 Bytes) AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (15) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01111) 15 AsnLen: Length = 114, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 114 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 BlobValue: Binary Large Object (114 Bytes) Extension: UnknownOidExtension ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Reserved for future editions of this Recommendation | International Standard (Universal 14) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01110) 14 AsnLen: Length = 118, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 118 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnId: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (20) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10100) 20 AsnLen: Length = 115, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 115 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 22 (0x16) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 120 (0x78) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 116 (0x74) Final: 103 (0x67) Final: 49 (0x31) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 107 (0x6B) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 19 (0x13) Final: 50 (0x32) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 104 (0x68) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 112 (0x70) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 116 (0x74) Final: 46 (0x2E) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 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IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 1480 (0x5C8) Identification: 26620 (0x67FC) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 14261 (0x37B5) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56244, PayloadLen=1440, Seq=2542438824 - 2542440264, Ack=3824012116, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56244 SequenceNumber: 2542438824 (0x978A89A8) AcknowledgementNumber: 3824012116 (0xE3EDCB54) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0x9FA, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56244 UnknownData: Binary Large Object (1440 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 05 C8 67 FC 40 00 3A 06-37 B5 97 65 42 31 C0 A8 .g@.:.7eB1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B4 97 8A-89 A8 E3 ED CB 54 50 10 .@.۴TP. 0x0030 00 83 09 FA 00 00 63 6F-6D 82 13 33 62 6C 65 61 0x0040 63 68 65 72 72 65 70 6F-72 74 2E 63 6F 6D 82 13 0x0050 34 62 6C 65 61 63 68 65-72 72 65 70 6F 72 74 2E 4bleacherreport. 0x0060 63 6F 6D 82 13 38 62 6C-65 61 63 68 65 72 72 65 com.8bleacherre 0x0070 70 6F 72 74 2E 63 6F 6D-82 08 61 62 75 73 65 2E 0x0080 63 68 82 0D 63 64 6E 2E-66 77 75 70 64 2E 6F 72 ch.cdn.fwupd.or 0x0090 67 82 11 63 64 6E 2E 6C-69 76 69 6E 67 6D 61 70 g.cdn.livingmap 0x00A0 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0E 63 64-6E 2E 73 65 61 74 65 64 .com.cdn.seated 0x00B0 2E 63 6F 6D 82 13 63 6C-69 6E 69 63 61 6C 6F 70 .com.clinicalop 0x00C0 74 69 6F 6E 73 2E 63 6F-6D 82 26 63 6F 6E 74 65 0x00D0 6E 74 2D 70 72 65 70 72-6F 64 2E 62 65 61 76 65 nt-preprod.beave 0x00E0 72 62 72 6F 6F 6B 73 77-65 62 32 2E 63 6F 2E 75 0x00F0 6B 82 1A 63 6F 6E 74 65-6E 74 2E 62 65 61 76 65 k.content.beave 0x0100 72 62 72 6F 6F 6B 73 2E-63 6F 2E 75 6B 82 11 63 0x0110 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 67-61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 0x0120 82 1E 63 6F 70 74 65 72-72 6F 79 61 6C 65 2E 63 .copterroyale.c 0x0130 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 67-61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 0x0140 82 18 64 38 2D 64 65 76-2E 63 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 .d8-dev.coolmat 0x0150 68 67 61 6D 65 73 2E 63-6F 6D 82 19 64 65 66 6C 0x0160 79 69 6F 2E 63 6F 6F 6C-6D 61 74 68 67 61 6D 65 yio.coolmathgame 0x0170 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0D 64-69 6D 65 6E 73 69 6F 6E 0x0180 73 2E 61 69 82 15 64 6F-6C 6C 61 72 73 68 61 76 0x0190 65 63 6C 75 62 2E 63 6F-2E 75 6B 82 13 64 6F 6C 0x01A0 6C 61 72 73 68 61 76 65-63 6C 75 62 2E 63 6F 6D 0x01B0 82 0F 64 6F 6E 74 70 61-79 66 75 6C 6C 2E 63 6F 0x01C0 6D 82 0E 65 6C 75 6E 69-76 65 72 73 6F 2E 63 6F 0x01D0 6D 82 0D 66 65 65 64 6D-61 72 6B 65 74 2E 66 72 0x01E0 82 1C 69 64 65 6E 74 69-74 79 2E 6C 69 6E 75 78 .identity.linux 0x01F0 66 6F 75 6E 64 61 74 69-6F 6E 2E 6F 72 67 82 0A 0x0200 6A 77 61 74 63 68 2E 6F-72 67 82 19 6C 69 73 74 0x0210 73 2E 6C 69 6E 75 78 66-6F 75 6E 64 61 74 69 6F s.linuxfoundatio 0x0220 6E 2E 6F 72 67 82 19 6D-2D 73 74 61 67 65 2E 63 0x0230 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 67-61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 0x0240 82 13 6D 2E 63 6F 6F 6C-6D 61 74 68 67 61 6D 65 .m.coolmathgame 0x0250 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0C 6D-6F 64 63 6C 6F 74 68 2E 0x0260 6E 65 74 82 0C 6F 72 69-6F 6E 6C 61 62 73 2E 69 net.orionlabs.i 0x0270 6F 82 0A 73 63 6F 64 6C-65 2E 63 6F 6D 82 17 73 0x0280 74 61 67 65 2E 63 6F 6F-6C 6D 61 74 68 67 61 6D tage.coolmathgam 0x0290 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 14-73 74 61 67 69 6E 67 2E 0x02A0 61 70 70 62 6C 61 64 65-2E 63 6F 6D 82 1B 73 74 0x02B0 67 2E 70 6C 61 74 66 6F-72 6D 2E 65 6C 75 6E 69 g.platform.eluni 0x02C0 76 65 72 73 6F 2E 63 6F-6D 82 0E 74 68 65 66 6F 0x02D0 72 65 6D 61 6E 2E 6F 72-67 82 15 76 69 64 65 6F 0x02E0 2D 63 64 6E 2E 71 75 69-70 70 65 72 2E 63 6F 6D 0x02F0 82 17 76 69 64 65 6F 73-2E 63 61 6C 63 77 6F 72 .videos.calcwor 0x0300 6B 73 68 6F 70 2E 63 6F-6D 82 07 76 74 73 2E 63 0x0310 6F 6D 82 15 77 77 77 2E-63 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 om.www.coolmath 0x0320 67 61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F-6D 82 12 77 77 77 2E 65 0x0330 6C 75 6E 69 76 65 72 73-6F 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0E 77 0x0340 77 77 2E 66 6C 69 6E 74-6F 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0F 77 0x0350 77 77 2E 6E 65 74 61 63-65 61 2E 63 6F 6D 30 1D ww.netacea.com0. 0x0360 06 03 55 1D 25 04 16 30-14 06 08 2B 06 01 05 05 ..U.%..0...+.... 0x0370 07 03 01 06 08 2B 06 01-05 05 07 03 02 30 1F 06 .....+.......0.. 0x0380 03 55 1D 23 04 18 30 16-80 14 A9 2B 87 E1 CE 24 .U.#..0..+$ 0x0390 47 3B 1B BF CF 85 37 02-55 9D 0D 94 58 E6 30 1D G;.υ7.U.X0. 0x03A0 06 03 55 1D 0E 04 16 04-14 D8 23 B4 78 C3 C9 AB ..U......#xɫ 0x03B0 60 9E A9 56 42 21 E5 F5-62 B5 6F BD 39 30 82 01 `VB!bo90. 0x03C0 03 06 0A 2B 06 01 04 01-D6 79 02 04 02 04 81 F4 ...+....y.... 0x03D0 04 81 F1 00 EF 00 76 00-5C DC 43 92 FE E6 AB 45 ...v.\CE 0x03E0 44 B1 5E 9A D4 56 E6 10-37 FB D5 FA 47 DC A1 73 D^V.7Gܡs 0x03F0 94 B2 5E E6 F6 C7 0E CA-00 00 01 77 96 A4 95 08 ^....w. 0x0400 00 00 04 03 00 47 30 45-02 21 00 C0 57 67 DF 51 .....G0E.!.WgQ 0x0410 EC B6 3C A4 E6 F2 B4 1C-7B 6A 06 9E 96 FD 0C A4 <.{j.. 0x0420 BB C2 1A 1C D6 75 4E F3-2D 00 73 02 20 6F 8A 6A ..uN-.s. oj 0x0430 C8 F1 A4 E0 23 13 B3 9B-0A CA 04 3B 9B AE 51 AB #...;Q 0x0440 2B 0E E3 F7 F5 16 03 54-70 CF 51 78 7F 00 75 00 +...TpQx.u. 0x0450 F6 5C 94 2F D1 77 30 22-14 54 18 08 30 94 56 8E \/w0".T..0V 0x0460 E3 4D 13 19 33 BF DF 0C-2F 20 0B CC 4E F1 64 E3 M..3./ .Nd 0x0470 00 00 01 77 96 A4 95 BA-00 00 04 03 00 46 30 44 ...w.....F0D 0x0480 02 20 48 97 72 EC D9 D8-1A 87 93 42 F3 9F 14 71 . 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Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 611 (0x263) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56248, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1929853375, Ack=2334534610, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56248 SequenceNumber: 1929853375 (0x730739BF) AcknowledgementNumber: 2334534610 (0x8B262BD2) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0x12A0, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Padding: Binary Large Object (6 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 00 28 E2 EE 40 00 3A 06-02 63 97 65 02 31 C0 A8 .(@.:..ce.1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B8 73 07-39 BF 8B 26 2B D2 50 10 .@.۸s.9&+P. 0x0030 00 83 12 A0 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 .......... ============================================================================ Packet #42, Direction: In, Time:15:37:03.144885, Size: 1494 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 58095, Total IP Length = 1480 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 1480 (0x5C8) Identification: 58095 (0xE2EF) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 64705 (0xFCC1) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56248, PayloadLen=1440, Seq=1929853375 - 1929854815, Ack=2334534610, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56248 SequenceNumber: 1929853375 (0x730739BF) AcknowledgementNumber: 2334534610 (0x8B262BD2) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0xBAAB, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56248 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: Server Hello.; TLS Rec Layer-2 HandShake: Certificate. TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 69 (0x45) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 2 (0x2) HandShakeType: ServerHello(0x02) Length: 65 (0x41) ServerHello Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) RandomBytes TimeStamp: 05/10/2053, 16:53:36.000000 UTC RandomBytes: Binary Large Object (28 Bytes) SessionIDLength: 0 (0x0) TLSCipherSuite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x2F } CompressionMethod: 0 (0x0) ExtensionsLength: 25 (0x19) ServerHelloExtension: Renegotiation Info(0xFF01) ExtensionType: Renegotiation Info(0xFF01) ExtensionLength: 1 (0x1) Data: Binary Large Object (1 Bytes) ServerHelloExtension: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionType: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ServerHelloExtension: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionType: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionLength: 4 (0x4) ECPointLength: 3 (0x3) ECPointFormat: uncompressed(0x00) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_prime(0x01) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_char2(0x02) ServerHelloExtension: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionType: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ServerHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-2 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 3973 (0xF85) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 11 (0xB) HandShakeType: Certificate(0x0B) Length: 3969 (0xF81) Cert CertLength: 3966 (0xF7E) Certificates CertificateLength: 2793 (0xAE9) X509Cert SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 2789, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 2789 bytes TbsCertificate: Issuer: , Subject: SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 2509, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 2509 bytes Tag0 AsnId: Context Specific Constructed Tag (0) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00000) 0 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 2 Version: (0) Version: 2 AsnIntegerHeader AsnId: Integer type (Universal 2) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00010) 2 AsnLen: Length = 1, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 1 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AsnInt: 2 (0x0) SerialNumber SerialNumber: 0 AsnIntegerHeader AsnId: Integer type (Universal 2) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00010) 2 AsnLen: Length = 12, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 12 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AsnInt: 0 (0x0) Signature SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Algorithm: Sha256WithRSAEncryption (1.2.840.113549.1.1.11) AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 42 (0x2A) Part: 134 (0x86) Final: 72 (0x48) Part: 134 (0x86) Part: 247 (0xF7) Final: 13 (0xD) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 11 (0xB) Parameters Sha256WithRSAEncryption: Null Value AsnNullHeader AsnId: Null type (Universal 5) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00101) 5 AsnLen: Length = 0, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 0 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Issuer RdnSequence: ,, SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 87, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 87 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 11, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 11 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCountryName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 6 (0x6) Value Value IdAtCountryName CountryName String: BE AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 2, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 2 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: BE Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 25, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 25 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 23, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 23 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtOrganizationName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 10 (0xA) Value Value IdAtOrganizationName PrintableString String: GlobalSign nv-sa AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 16, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 16 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: GlobalSign nv-sa Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 45, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 45 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 43, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 43 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCommonName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 3 (0x3) Value Value IdAtCommonName PrintableString String: GlobalSign CloudSSL CA - SHA256 - G3 AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 36, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 36 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: GlobalSign CloudSSL CA - SHA256 - G3 Validity: From: To: SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 30, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 30 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 NotBefore UtcTime: 02/12/21 14:28:20 UTC AsnUtcTimeHeader AsnId: UTCTime type (Universal 23) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10111) 23 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Year: 21 Month: 02 Day: 12 Hours: 14 Minutes: 28 Seconds: 20 TZD: Z NotAfter UtcTime: 08/04/21 18:27:52 UTC AsnUtcTimeHeader AsnId: UTCTime type (Universal 23) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10111) 23 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Year: 21 Month: 08 Day: 04 Hours: 18 Minutes: 27 Seconds: 52 TZD: Z Subject RdnSequence: ,,,, SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 119, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 119 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 11, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 11 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCountryName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 6 (0x6) Value Value IdAtCountryName CountryName String: US AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 2, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 2 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: US Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 19, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 19 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 17, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 17 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtStateOrProvinceName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 8 (0x8) Value Value IdAtStateOrProvinceName Utf8String: California Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 10, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 10 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: California Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 22, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 22 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 20, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 20 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtLocalityName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 7 (0x7) Value Value IdAtLocalityName Utf8String: San Francisco Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: San Francisco Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 21, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 21 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 19, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 19 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtOrganizationName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 10 (0xA) Value Value IdAtOrganizationName Utf8String: Fastly, Inc. Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 12, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 12 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: Fastly, Inc. Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 36, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 36 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 34, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 34 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCommonName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 3 (0x3) Value Value IdAtCommonName Utf8String: Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 27, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 27 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: SubjectPublicKeyInfo SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 290, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 290 bytes Algorithm SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 2 Algorithm: RsaEncryption (1.2.840.113549.1.1.1) AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 42 (0x2A) Part: 134 (0x86) Final: 72 (0x48) Part: 134 (0x86) Part: 247 (0xF7) Final: 13 (0xD) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) Parameters RsaEncryption: Null Value AsnNullHeader AsnId: Null type (Universal 5) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00101) 5 AsnLen: Length = 0, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 0 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 SubjectPublicKey AsnBitStringHeader AsnId: BitString type (Universal 3) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00011) 3 AsnLen: Length = 271, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 271 bytes BitString Tag3 AsnId: Context Specific Constructed Tag (3) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00011) 3 AsnLen: Length = 1935, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 1935 bytes Extensions SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 1931, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 1931 bytes Extension: IdCeKeyUsage ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 14, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 14 bytes, LengthOfLength = 2 ExtnId: IdCeKeyUsage ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 29 (0x1D) Final: 15 (0xF) Critical: True AsnBooleanHeader AsnId: Boolean type (Universal 1) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00001) 1 AsnLen: Length = 1, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 1 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Tf: 255 (0xFF) OctetStringHeader AsnId: OctetString type (Universal 4) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00100) 4 AsnLen: Length = 4, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 4 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue IdCeKeyUsage BitStringHeader AsnId: BitString type (Universal 3) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00011) 3 AsnLen: Length = 2, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 2 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 usage: 1440 (0x5A0) DigitalSignature: (0...............) NonRepudiation: (.0..............) KeyEncipherment: (..0.............) DataEncipherment: (...0............) KeyAgreement: (....0...........) KeyCertSign: (.....1..........) Subject public key is used for verifying a signature on public key certificates CrlSign: (......0.........) EncipherOnly: (.......1........) DecipherOnly: (........1.......) Unused: (.........0100000) Extension: IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 138, LengthOfLength = 1 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 1 Length: 138 bytes ExtnId: IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 1 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) OctetStringHeader AsnId: OctetString type (Universal 4) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00100) 4 AsnLen: Length = 126, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 126 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 124, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 124 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Description SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 66, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 66 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AccessMethod: PKIX_CA_ISSUERS ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 48 (0x30) Final: 2 (0x2) AccessLocation UniformResourceIdentifier String: AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Context Specific Primitive Tag (6) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 54, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 54 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: Description SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 54, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 54 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AccessMethod: PKIX_OCSP ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 48 (0x30) Final: 1 (0x1) AccessLocation UniformResourceIdentifier String: AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Context Specific Primitive Tag (6) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 42, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 42 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: Extension: IdCeCertificatePolicies ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 86, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 86 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnId: IdCeCertificatePolicies ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 29 (0x1D) Final: 32 (0x20) OctetStringHeader AsnId: OctetString type (Universal 4) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00100) 4 AsnLen: Length = 79, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 79 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue IdCeCertificatePolicies SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 77, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 77 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Policy SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 65, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 65 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyIdentifier Id: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 1 (0x1) Part: 160 (0xA0) Final: 50 (0x32) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 20 (0x14) SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 52, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 52 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifier SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 50, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 50 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifierId Id: PKIX_POLICY_QUALIFIER_CPS ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 2 (0x2) Final: 1 (0x1) Qualifier CPSUri Uri String: AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: IA5String type (Universal 22) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10110) 22 AsnLen: Length = 38, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 38 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: Policy SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyIdentifier Id: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 6, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 6 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 103 (0x67) Part: 129 (0x81) Final: 12 (0xC) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 2 (0x2) Final: 2 (0x2) SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifier SequenceHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifierId Id: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: Application Primitive Tag (21) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10101) 21 AsnLen: Length = 29, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 29 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 19 (0x13) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 2 (0x2) Final: 48 (0x30) Final: 0 (0x0) Final: 48 (0x30) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 33 (0x21) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 3 (0x3) Final: 85 (0x55) Final: 29 (0x1D) Final: 17 (0x11) Final: 4 (0x4) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 24 (0x18) Final: 48 (0x30) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 20 (0x14) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 27 (0x1B) Final: 112 (0x70) Final: 50 (0x32) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 104 (0x68) Qualifier UnknownOidExtension AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (1) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00001) 1 AsnLen: Length = 114, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 114 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 BlobValue: Binary Large Object (114 Bytes) Extension: UnknownOidExtension ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Enumerated type (Universal 10) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01010) 10 AsnLen: Length = 46, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 46 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnId: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (1) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00001) 1 AsnLen: Length = 98, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 98 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 117 (0x75) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 104 (0x68) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 19 (0x13) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 118 (0x76) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 103 (0x67) Final: 109 (0x6D) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 112 (0x70) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 15 (0xF) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 109 (0x6D) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 105 (0x69) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 23 (0x17) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 104 (0x68) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 118 (0x76) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 107 (0x6B) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 21 (0x15) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 104 (0x68) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 118 (0x76) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 17 (0x11) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 111 (0x6F) OctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (14) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01110) 14 AsnLen: Length = 116, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 116 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue UnknownOidExtension AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (16) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 97, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 97 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 BlobValue: Binary Large Object (97 Bytes) AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (15) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01111) 15 AsnLen: Length = 114, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 114 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 BlobValue: Binary Large Object (114 Bytes) Extension: UnknownOidExtension ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Reserved for future editions of this Recommendation | International Standard (Universal 14) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01110) 14 AsnLen: Length = 118, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 118 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnId: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (20) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10100) 20 AsnLen: Length = 115, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 115 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 22 (0x16) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 120 (0x78) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 116 (0x74) Final: 103 (0x67) Final: 49 (0x31) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 107 (0x6B) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 19 (0x13) Final: 50 (0x32) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 104 (0x68) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 112 (0x70) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 116 (0x74) Final: 46 (0x2E) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 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64 6F 6C 6C 61 72-73 68 61 76 65 63 6C 75 *.dollarshaveclu 0x04C0 62 2E 63 6F 6D 82 11 2A-2E 64 6F 6E 74 70 61 79*.dontpay 0x04D0 66 75 6C 6C 2E 63 6F 6D-82 0F 2A 2E 65 62 69 73*.ebis 0x04E0 75 62 6F 6F 6B 2E 63 6F-6D 82 0F 2A 2E 66 73 2E*.fs. 0x04F0 6A 69 62 6A 61 62 2E 63-6F 6D 82 13 2A 2E 66 73*.fs 0x0500 2E 75 6E 69 74 70 72 69-6E 74 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0x0510 14 2A 2E 69 6E 64 79 2E-6D 79 6F 6D 6E 69 67 6F .*.indy.myomnigo 0x0520 6E 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0C 2A-2E 6A 77 61 74 63 68 2E*.jwatch. 0x0530 6F 72 67 82 0E 2A 2E 6D-6F 64 63 6C 6F 74 68 2E org.*.modcloth. 0x0540 6E 65 74 82 0E 2A 2E 6F-72 69 6F 6E 6C 61 62 73 net.*.orionlabs 0x0550 2E 69 6F 82 0C 2A 2E 73-63 6F 64 6C 65 2E 63 6F .io.* 0x0560 6D 82 10 2A 2E 74 68 65-66 6F 72 65 6D 61 6E 2E m.*.theforeman. 0x0570 6F 72 67 82 16 2A 2E 75-70 6C 6F 61 64 73 2E 65 org.*.uploads.e 0x0580 76 65 72 73 69 67 6E 2E-63 6F 6D 82 14 2A 2E 75*.u 0x0590 70 6C 6F 61 64 73 2E 73-63 68 6F 6F 78 2E 63 6F 0x05A0 6D 82 09 2A 2E 76 74 73-2E 63 6F 6D 82 16 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IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 1480 (0x5C8) Identification: 58096 (0xE2F0) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 64704 (0xFCC0) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56248, PayloadLen=1440, Seq=1929854815 - 1929856255, Ack=2334534610, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56248 SequenceNumber: 1929854815 (0x73073F5F) AcknowledgementNumber: 2334534610 (0x8B262BD2) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0xB10C, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56248 UnknownData: Binary Large Object (1440 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 05 C8 E2 F0 40 00 3A 06-FC C0 97 65 02 31 C0 A8 .@.:.e.1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B8 73 07-3F 5F 8B 26 2B D2 50 10 .@.۸s.?_&+P. 0x0030 00 83 B1 0C 00 00 63 6F-6D 82 13 33 62 6C 65 61 0x0040 63 68 65 72 72 65 70 6F-72 74 2E 63 6F 6D 82 13 0x0050 34 62 6C 65 61 63 68 65-72 72 65 70 6F 72 74 2E 4bleacherreport. 0x0060 63 6F 6D 82 13 38 62 6C-65 61 63 68 65 72 72 65 com.8bleacherre 0x0070 70 6F 72 74 2E 63 6F 6D-82 08 61 62 75 73 65 2E 0x0080 63 68 82 0D 63 64 6E 2E-66 77 75 70 64 2E 6F 72 ch.cdn.fwupd.or 0x0090 67 82 11 63 64 6E 2E 6C-69 76 69 6E 67 6D 61 70 g.cdn.livingmap 0x00A0 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0E 63 64-6E 2E 73 65 61 74 65 64 .com.cdn.seated 0x00B0 2E 63 6F 6D 82 13 63 6C-69 6E 69 63 61 6C 6F 70 .com.clinicalop 0x00C0 74 69 6F 6E 73 2E 63 6F-6D 82 26 63 6F 6E 74 65 0x00D0 6E 74 2D 70 72 65 70 72-6F 64 2E 62 65 61 76 65 nt-preprod.beave 0x00E0 72 62 72 6F 6F 6B 73 77-65 62 32 2E 63 6F 2E 75 0x00F0 6B 82 1A 63 6F 6E 74 65-6E 74 2E 62 65 61 76 65 k.content.beave 0x0100 72 62 72 6F 6F 6B 73 2E-63 6F 2E 75 6B 82 11 63 0x0110 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 67-61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 0x0120 82 1E 63 6F 70 74 65 72-72 6F 79 61 6C 65 2E 63 .copterroyale.c 0x0130 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 67-61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 0x0140 82 18 64 38 2D 64 65 76-2E 63 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 .d8-dev.coolmat 0x0150 68 67 61 6D 65 73 2E 63-6F 6D 82 19 64 65 66 6C 0x0160 79 69 6F 2E 63 6F 6F 6C-6D 61 74 68 67 61 6D 65 yio.coolmathgame 0x0170 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0D 64-69 6D 65 6E 73 69 6F 6E 0x0180 73 2E 61 69 82 15 64 6F-6C 6C 61 72 73 68 61 76 0x0190 65 63 6C 75 62 2E 63 6F-2E 75 6B 82 13 64 6F 6C 0x01A0 6C 61 72 73 68 61 76 65-63 6C 75 62 2E 63 6F 6D 0x01B0 82 0F 64 6F 6E 74 70 61-79 66 75 6C 6C 2E 63 6F 0x01C0 6D 82 0E 65 6C 75 6E 69-76 65 72 73 6F 2E 63 6F 0x01D0 6D 82 0D 66 65 65 64 6D-61 72 6B 65 74 2E 66 72 0x01E0 82 1C 69 64 65 6E 74 69-74 79 2E 6C 69 6E 75 78 .identity.linux 0x01F0 66 6F 75 6E 64 61 74 69-6F 6E 2E 6F 72 67 82 0A 0x0200 6A 77 61 74 63 68 2E 6F-72 67 82 19 6C 69 73 74 0x0210 73 2E 6C 69 6E 75 78 66-6F 75 6E 64 61 74 69 6F s.linuxfoundatio 0x0220 6E 2E 6F 72 67 82 19 6D-2D 73 74 61 67 65 2E 63 0x0230 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 67-61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 0x0240 82 13 6D 2E 63 6F 6F 6C-6D 61 74 68 67 61 6D 65 .m.coolmathgame 0x0250 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0C 6D-6F 64 63 6C 6F 74 68 2E 0x0260 6E 65 74 82 0C 6F 72 69-6F 6E 6C 61 62 73 2E 69 net.orionlabs.i 0x0270 6F 82 0A 73 63 6F 64 6C-65 2E 63 6F 6D 82 17 73 0x0280 74 61 67 65 2E 63 6F 6F-6C 6D 61 74 68 67 61 6D tage.coolmathgam 0x0290 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 14-73 74 61 67 69 6E 67 2E 0x02A0 61 70 70 62 6C 61 64 65-2E 63 6F 6D 82 1B 73 74 0x02B0 67 2E 70 6C 61 74 66 6F-72 6D 2E 65 6C 75 6E 69 g.platform.eluni 0x02C0 76 65 72 73 6F 2E 63 6F-6D 82 0E 74 68 65 66 6F 0x02D0 72 65 6D 61 6E 2E 6F 72-67 82 15 76 69 64 65 6F 0x02E0 2D 63 64 6E 2E 71 75 69-70 70 65 72 2E 63 6F 6D 0x02F0 82 17 76 69 64 65 6F 73-2E 63 61 6C 63 77 6F 72 .videos.calcwor 0x0300 6B 73 68 6F 70 2E 63 6F-6D 82 07 76 74 73 2E 63 0x0310 6F 6D 82 15 77 77 77 2E-63 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 om.www.coolmath 0x0320 67 61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F-6D 82 12 77 77 77 2E 65 0x0330 6C 75 6E 69 76 65 72 73-6F 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0E 77 0x0340 77 77 2E 66 6C 69 6E 74-6F 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0F 77 0x0350 77 77 2E 6E 65 74 61 63-65 61 2E 63 6F 6D 30 1D ww.netacea.com0. 0x0360 06 03 55 1D 25 04 16 30-14 06 08 2B 06 01 05 05 ..U.%..0...+.... 0x0370 07 03 01 06 08 2B 06 01-05 05 07 03 02 30 1F 06 .....+.......0.. 0x0380 03 55 1D 23 04 18 30 16-80 14 A9 2B 87 E1 CE 24 .U.#..0..+$ 0x0390 47 3B 1B BF CF 85 37 02-55 9D 0D 94 58 E6 30 1D G;.υ7.U.X0. 0x03A0 06 03 55 1D 0E 04 16 04-14 D8 23 B4 78 C3 C9 AB ..U......#xɫ 0x03B0 60 9E A9 56 42 21 E5 F5-62 B5 6F BD 39 30 82 01 `VB!bo90. 0x03C0 03 06 0A 2B 06 01 04 01-D6 79 02 04 02 04 81 F4 ...+....y.... 0x03D0 04 81 F1 00 EF 00 76 00-5C DC 43 92 FE E6 AB 45 ...v.\CE 0x03E0 44 B1 5E 9A D4 56 E6 10-37 FB D5 FA 47 DC A1 73 D^V.7Gܡs 0x03F0 94 B2 5E E6 F6 C7 0E CA-00 00 01 77 96 A4 95 08 ^....w. 0x0400 00 00 04 03 00 47 30 45-02 21 00 C0 57 67 DF 51 .....G0E.!.WgQ 0x0410 EC B6 3C A4 E6 F2 B4 1C-7B 6A 06 9E 96 FD 0C A4 <.{j.. 0x0420 BB C2 1A 1C D6 75 4E F3-2D 00 73 02 20 6F 8A 6A ..uN-.s. oj 0x0430 C8 F1 A4 E0 23 13 B3 9B-0A CA 04 3B 9B AE 51 AB #...;Q 0x0440 2B 0E E3 F7 F5 16 03 54-70 CF 51 78 7F 00 75 00 +...TpQx.u. 0x0450 F6 5C 94 2F D1 77 30 22-14 54 18 08 30 94 56 8E \/w0".T..0V 0x0460 E3 4D 13 19 33 BF DF 0C-2F 20 0B CC 4E F1 64 E3 M..3./ .Nd 0x0470 00 00 01 77 96 A4 95 BA-00 00 04 03 00 46 30 44 ...w.....F0D 0x0480 02 20 48 97 72 EC D9 D8-1A 87 93 42 F3 9F 14 71 . 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Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 57533 (0xE0BD) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=56248, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=2334534703, Ack=1929857999, Win=1028 SrcPort: 56248 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 2334534703 (0x8B262C2F) AcknowledgementNumber: 1929857999 (0x73074BCF) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1028 Checksum: 0x5B99, Bad (Must be 0xFCB1) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 28 E0 BD 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .(@.....@e 0x0020 02 31 DB B8 01 BB 8B 26-2C 2F 73 07 4B CF 50 10 .1۸.&,/s.KP. 0x0030 04 04 5B 99 00 00 ..[.. ============================================================================ Packet #50, Direction: Out, Time:15:37:13.132199, Size: 85 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 57534, Total IP Length = 71 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 71 (0x47) Identification: 57534 (0xE0BE) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=56248, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=31, Seq=2334534703 - 2334534734, Ack=1929857999, Win=1028 SrcPort: 56248 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 2334534703 (0x8B262C2F) AcknowledgementNumber: 1929857999 (0x73074BCF) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...AP... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....1...) Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1028 Checksum: 0x5BB8, Bad (Must be 0x8F6) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 56248, DestinationPort = 443 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 Encrypted Alert TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 Encrypted Alert ContentType: Encrypted Alert Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 26 (0x1A) EncryptedData: Binary Large Object (26 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 47 E0 BE 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .G@.....@e 0x0020 02 31 DB B8 01 BB 8B 26-2C 2F 73 07 4B CF 50 18 .1۸.&,/s.KP. 0x0030 04 04 5B B8 00 00 15 03-03 00 1A 0F D8 1C 08 7B ..[..........{ 0x0040 73 E2 0A 52 09 F1 7F 3B-5B E5 E9 5D F7 63 03 6D s.R.;[]c.m 0x0050 DD 4E 5D 26 5F N]&_ ============================================================================ Packet #51, Direction: Out, Time:15:37:13.132326, Size: 54 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 57535, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 57535 (0xE0BF) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...F, SrcPort=56248, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=2334534734, Ack=1929857999, Win=1028 SrcPort: 56248 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 2334534734 (0x8B262C4E) AcknowledgementNumber: 1929857999 (0x73074BCF) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A...F CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......1) End of data Window: 1028 Checksum: 0x5B99, Bad (Must be 0xFC91) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 28 E0 BF 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .(@.....@e 0x0020 02 31 DB B8 01 BB 8B 26-2C 4E 73 07 4B CF 50 11 .1۸.&,Ns.KP. 0x0030 04 04 5B 99 00 00 ..[.. ============================================================================ Packet #52, Direction: Out, Time:15:37:13.132637, Size: 66 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 388, Total IP Length = 52 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 52 (0x34) Identification: 388 (0x184) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=......S., SrcPort=56255, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=245433124, Ack=0, Win=64240 (Negotiating scale factor 0x8) = 64240 SrcPort: 56255 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 245433124 (0xEA10324) AcknowledgementNumber: 0 (0x0) DataOffset: 128 (0x80) DataOffset: (1000....) 32 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ......S. CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...0....) Acknowledgement field not significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......1.) Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 64240 (Negotiating scale factor 0x8) = 64240 Checksum: 0x1BA6, Bad (Must be 0x6960) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPOptions MaxSegmentSize type: Maximum Segment Size. 2(0x2) OptionLength: 4 (0x4) MaxSegmentSize: 1460 (0x5B4) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) WindowsScaleFactor type: Window scale factor. 3(0x3) Length: 3 (0x3) ShiftCount: 8 (0x8) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) SACKPermitted type: SACK permitted. 4(0x4) OptionLength: 2 (0x2) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 34 01 84 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .4.@.....@e 0x0020 C2 31 DB BF 01 BB 0E A1-03 24 00 00 00 00 80 02 1ۿ...$..... 0x0030 FA F0 1B A6 00 00 02 04-05 B4 01 03 03 08 01 01 ............ 0x0040 04 02 .. ============================================================================ Packet #53, Direction: In, Time:15:37:13.138683, Size: 66 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 0, Total IP Length = 52 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 52 (0x34) Identification: 0 (0x0) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 9541 (0x2545) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A..S., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56255, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1060177947, Ack=245433125, Win=65535 (Negotiated scale factor 0x9) = 33553920 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56255 SequenceNumber: 1060177947 (0x3F31081B) AcknowledgementNumber: 245433125 (0xEA10325) DataOffset: 128 (0x80) DataOffset: (1000....) 32 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A..S. CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......1.) Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 65535 (Negotiated scale factor 0x9) = 33553920 Checksum: 0x1D07, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPOptions MaxSegmentSize type: Maximum Segment Size. 2(0x2) OptionLength: 4 (0x4) MaxSegmentSize: 1440 (0x5A0) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) SACKPermitted type: SACK permitted. 4(0x4) OptionLength: 2 (0x2) NoOption type: No operation. 1(0x1) WindowsScaleFactor type: Window scale factor. 3(0x3) Length: 3 (0x3) ShiftCount: 9 (0x9) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 00 34 00 00 40 00 3A 06-25 45 97 65 C2 31 C0 A8 .4..@.:.%Ee1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB BF 3F 31-08 1B 0E A1 03 25 80 12 .@.ۿ?1....%. 0x0030 FF FF 1D 07 00 00 02 04-05 A0 01 01 04 02 01 03 ............. 0x0040 03 09 .. ============================================================================ Packet #54, Direction: Out, Time:15:37:13.138860, Size: 54 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 389, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 389 (0x185) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=56255, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=245433125, Ack=1060177948, Win=1029 SrcPort: 56255 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 245433125 (0xEA10325) AcknowledgementNumber: 1060177948 (0x3F31081C) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1029 Checksum: 0x1B9A, Bad (Must be 0x59C2) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 28 01 85 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .(.@.....@e 0x0020 C2 31 DB BF 01 BB 0E A1-03 25 3F 31 08 1C 50 10 1ۿ...%?1..P. 0x0030 04 05 1B 9A 00 00 ..... ============================================================================ Packet #55, Direction: Out, Time:15:37:13.139032, Size: 372 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 390, Total IP Length = 358 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 358 (0x166) Identification: 390 (0x186) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=56255, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=318, Seq=245433125 - 245433443, Ack=1060177948, Win=1029 SrcPort: 56255 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 245433125 (0xEA10325) AcknowledgementNumber: 1060177948 (0x3F31081C) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...AP... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....1...) Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1029 Checksum: 0x1CD8, Bad (Must be 0x6156) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 56255, DestinationPort = 443 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: Client Hello. TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.0 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 1 (0x1) Length: 313 (0x139) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 1 (0x1) HandShakeType: ClientHello(0x01) Length: 309 (0x135) ClientHello Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) RandomBytes TimeStamp: 19/12/2020, 07:15:23.000000 UTC RandomBytes: Binary Large Object (28 Bytes) SessionIDLength: 32 (0x20) SessionID: Binary Large Object (32 Bytes) CipherSuitesLength: 62 TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 4866 (0x1302) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 4867 (0x1303) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 4865 (0x1301) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 { 0xC0, 0x2C } Cipher: 49196 (0xC02C) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 { 0xC0, 0x30 } Cipher: 49200 (0xC030) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 { 0x00, 0x9F } Cipher: 159 (0x9F) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 52393 (0xCCA9) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 52392 (0xCCA8) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 52394 (0xCCAA) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x2B } Cipher: 49195 (0xC02B) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x2F } Cipher: 49199 (0xC02F) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x9E } Cipher: 158 (0x9E) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 { 0xC0, 0x24 } Cipher: 49188 (0xC024) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 { 0xC0, 0x28 } Cipher: 49192 (0xC028) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x6B } Cipher: 107 (0x6B) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x23 } Cipher: 49187 (0xC023) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x27 } Cipher: 49191 (0xC027) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x67 } Cipher: 103 (0x67) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA { 0xC0, 0x0A } Cipher: 49162 (0xC00A) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA { 0xC0, 0x14 } Cipher: 49172 (0xC014) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA { 0x00, 0x39 } Cipher: 57 (0x39) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA { 0xC0, 0x09 } Cipher: 49161 (0xC009) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA { 0xC0, 0x13 } Cipher: 49171 (0xC013) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA { 0x00, 0x33 } Cipher: 51 (0x33) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 { 0x00, 0x9D } Cipher: 157 (0x9D) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x9C } Cipher: 156 (0x9C) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x3D } Cipher: 61 (0x3D) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 { 0x00, 0x3C } Cipher: 60 (0x3C) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA { 0x00, 0x35 } Cipher: 53 (0x35) TLSCipherSuites: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA { 0x00, 0x2F } Cipher: 47 (0x2F) TLSCipherSuites: Unknown Cipher Cipher: 255 (0xFF) CompressionMethodsLength: 1 (0x1) CompressionMethods: 0 (0x0) ExtensionsLength: 174 (0xAE) ClientHelloExtension: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionType: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionLength: 21 (0x15) NameListLength: 19 (0x13) NameType: Host Name (0) NameLength: 16 (0x10) ServerName: ClientHelloExtension: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionType: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionLength: 4 (0x4) ECPointLength: 3 (0x3) ECPointFormat: uncompressed(0x00) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_prime(0x01) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_char2(0x02) ClientHelloExtension: Elliptic Curves(0x000A) ExtensionType: Elliptic Curves(0x000A) ExtensionLength: 12 (0xC) CurvesLength: 10 (0xA) NamedCurve: Unknown Extension Type NamedCurve: secp256r1(0x0017) NamedCurve: Unknown Extension Type NamedCurve: secp521r1(0x0019) NamedCurve: secp384r1(0x0018) ClientHelloExtension: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionType: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ClientHelloExtension: Signature Algorithms(0x000D) ExtensionType: Signature Algorithms(0x000D) ExtensionLength: 48 (0x30) Data: Binary Large Object (48 Bytes) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 9 (0x9) Data: Binary Large Object (9 Bytes) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 2 (0x2) Data: Binary Large Object (2 Bytes) ClientHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 38 (0x26) Data: Binary Large Object (38 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 01 66 01 86 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .f.@.....@e 0x0020 C2 31 DB BF 01 BB 0E A1-03 25 3F 31 08 1C 50 18 1ۿ...%?1..P. 0x0030 04 05 1C D8 00 00 16 03-01 01 39 01 00 01 35 03 .........9...5. 0x0040 03 5F DD A8 8B 9B 96 E1-8E 44 82 F2 CB D4 65 11 ._ݨDe. 0x0050 F8 36 6E 8D 27 E2 26 6A-EA E9 D7 CA C4 13 8B 4A 6n'&j.J 0x0060 82 20 57 F4 74 CE B8 D4-BA 85 8E 22 C1 D5 61 C1 WtθԺ"a 0x0070 53 BF 3E 93 C9 0D F8 1E-85 86 C8 23 91 9B 1E EF S>..#. 0x0080 CC B6 00 3E 13 02 13 03-13 01 C0 2C C0 30 00 9F ̶.>......,0. 0x0090 CC A9 CC A8 CC AA C0 2B-C0 2F 00 9E C0 24 C0 28 ̨̩̪+/.$( 0x00A0 00 6B C0 23 C0 27 00 67-C0 0A C0 14 00 39 C0 09 .k#'.g...9. 0x00B0 C0 13 00 33 00 9D 00 9C-00 3D 00 3C 00 35 00 2F ..3...=.<.5./ 0x00C0 00 FF 01 00 00 AE 00 00-00 15 00 13 00 00 10 75 .............u 0x00D0 72 6C 68 61 75 73 2E 61-62 75 73 65 2E 63 68 00 0x00E0 0B 00 04 03 00 01 02 00-0A 00 0C 00 0A 00 1D 00 ................ 0x00F0 17 00 1E 00 19 00 18 00-23 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 ........#....... 0x0100 17 00 00 00 0D 00 30 00-2E 04 03 05 03 06 03 08 ......0......... 0x0110 07 08 08 08 09 08 0A 08-0B 08 04 08 05 08 06 04 ................ 0x0120 01 05 01 06 01 03 03 02-03 03 01 02 01 03 02 02 ................ 0x0130 02 04 02 05 02 06 02 00-2B 00 09 08 03 04 03 03 ........+....... 0x0140 03 02 03 01 00 2D 00 02-01 01 00 33 00 26 00 24 .....-.....3.&.$ 0x0150 00 1D 00 20 D8 7C 0F EF-22 E4 58 78 A8 27 A6 6F ... |."Xx'o 0x0160 57 9F CC 21 F3 DB 42 76-E1 06 04 19 C8 CB 17 22 W!Bv...." 0x0170 1B 3D 37 2B .=7+ ============================================================================ Packet #56, Direction: In, Time:15:37:13.141073, Size: 85 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 58100, Total IP Length = 71 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 71 (0x47) Identification: 58100 (0xE2F4) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 574 (0x23E) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...AP..., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56248, PayloadLen=31, Seq=1929857999 - 1929858030, Ack=2334534735, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56248 SequenceNumber: 1929857999 (0x73074BCF) AcknowledgementNumber: 2334534735 (0x8B262C4F) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...AP... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....1...) Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0x9B2, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56248 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 Encrypted Alert TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 Encrypted Alert ContentType: Encrypted Alert Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 26 (0x1A) EncryptedData: Binary Large Object (26 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 00 47 E2 F4 40 00 3A 06-02 3E 97 65 02 31 C0 A8 .G@.:..>e.1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B8 73 07-4B CF 8B 26 2C 4F 50 18 .@.۸s.Kϋ&,OP. 0x0030 00 83 09 B2 00 00 15 03-03 00 1A 70 20 FB D7 F0 .........p 0x0040 D2 06 10 BE 67 9F B1 A3-3D 36 07 6E 5F 21 EE FD ..g=6.n_! 0x0050 84 87 13 87 A4 . ============================================================================ Packet #57, Direction: Out, Time:15:37:13.141252, Size: 54 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04],SourceAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10] DestinationAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 SourceAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 57536, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 57536 (0xE0C0) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A.R.., SrcPort=56248, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=2334534735, Ack=1929858030, Win=0 SrcPort: 56248 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 2334534735 (0x8B262C4F) AcknowledgementNumber: 1929858030 (0x73074BEE) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.R.. CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....1..) Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 0 Checksum: 0x5B99, Bad (Must be 0x73) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 28 E0 C0 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .(@.....@e 0x0020 02 31 DB B8 01 BB 8B 26-2C 4F 73 07 4B EE 50 14 .1۸.&,Os.KP. 0x0030 00 00 5B 99 00 00 ..[.. ============================================================================ Packet #58, Direction: In, Time:15:37:13.141286, Size: 60 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 58101, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 58101 (0xE2F5) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 604 (0x25C) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...F, SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56248, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1929858030, Ack=2334534735, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56248 SequenceNumber: 1929858030 (0x73074BEE) AcknowledgementNumber: 2334534735 (0x8B262C4F) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A...F CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......1) End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0xFFF2, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Padding: Binary Large Object (6 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 00 28 E2 F5 40 00 3A 06-02 5C 97 65 02 31 C0 A8 .(@.:..\e.1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB B8 73 07-4B EE 8B 26 2C 4F 50 11 .@.۸s.K&,OP. 0x0030 00 83 FF F2 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 ......... ============================================================================ Packet #59, Direction: In, Time:15:37:13.145116, Size: 60 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 50430, Total IP Length = 40 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 50430 (0xC4FE) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 24658 (0x6052) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56255, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1060177948, Ack=245433443, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56255 SequenceNumber: 1060177948 (0x3F31081C) AcknowledgementNumber: 245433443 (0xEA10463) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0x5C06, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Padding: Binary Large Object (6 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 00 28 C4 FE 40 00 3A 06-60 52 97 65 C2 31 C0 A8 .(@.:.`Re1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB BF 3F 31-08 1C 0E A1 04 63 50 10 .@.ۿ?1....cP. 0x0030 00 83 5C 06 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 .\......... ============================================================================ Packet #60, Direction: In, Time:15:37:13.146956, Size: 1494 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 50431, Total IP Length = 1480 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 1480 (0x5C8) Identification: 50431 (0xC4FF) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 23217 (0x5AB1) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56255, PayloadLen=1440, Seq=1060177948 - 1060179388, Ack=245433443, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56255 SequenceNumber: 1060177948 (0x3F31081C) AcknowledgementNumber: 245433443 (0xEA10463) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0x74F9, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56255 TLSSSLData: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Payload Data TLS: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: Server Hello.; TLS Rec Layer-2 HandShake: Certificate. TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-1 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 69 (0x45) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 2 (0x2) HandShakeType: ServerHello(0x02) Length: 65 (0x41) ServerHello Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) RandomBytes TimeStamp: 25/02/2052, 10:20:35.000000 UTC RandomBytes: Binary Large Object (28 Bytes) SessionIDLength: 0 (0x0) TLSCipherSuite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 { 0xC0, 0x2F } CompressionMethod: 0 (0x0) ExtensionsLength: 25 (0x19) ServerHelloExtension: Renegotiation Info(0xFF01) ExtensionType: Renegotiation Info(0xFF01) ExtensionLength: 1 (0x1) Data: Binary Large Object (1 Bytes) ServerHelloExtension: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionType: Server Name(0x0000) ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ServerHelloExtension: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionType: EC Point Formats(0x000B) ExtensionLength: 4 (0x4) ECPointLength: 3 (0x3) ECPointFormat: uncompressed(0x00) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_prime(0x01) ECPointFormat: ansiX962_compressed_char2(0x02) ServerHelloExtension: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionType: SessionTicket TLS(0x0023) ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) ServerHelloExtension: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionType: Unknown Extension Type ExtensionLength: 0 (0x0) TlsRecordLayer: TLS Rec Layer-2 HandShake: ContentType: HandShake: Version: TLS 1.2 Major: 3 (0x3) Minor: 3 (0x3) Length: 3973 (0xF85) SSLHandshake: SSL HandShake 11 (0xB) HandShakeType: Certificate(0x0B) Length: 3969 (0xF81) Cert CertLength: 3966 (0xF7E) Certificates CertificateLength: 2793 (0xAE9) X509Cert SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 2789, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 2789 bytes TbsCertificate: Issuer: , Subject: SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 2509, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 2509 bytes Tag0 AsnId: Context Specific Constructed Tag (0) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00000) 0 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 2 Version: (0) Version: 2 AsnIntegerHeader AsnId: Integer type (Universal 2) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00010) 2 AsnLen: Length = 1, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 1 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AsnInt: 2 (0x0) SerialNumber SerialNumber: 0 AsnIntegerHeader AsnId: Integer type (Universal 2) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00010) 2 AsnLen: Length = 12, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 12 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AsnInt: 0 (0x0) Signature SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Algorithm: Sha256WithRSAEncryption (1.2.840.113549.1.1.11) AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 42 (0x2A) Part: 134 (0x86) Final: 72 (0x48) Part: 134 (0x86) Part: 247 (0xF7) Final: 13 (0xD) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 11 (0xB) Parameters Sha256WithRSAEncryption: Null Value AsnNullHeader AsnId: Null type (Universal 5) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00101) 5 AsnLen: Length = 0, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 0 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Issuer RdnSequence: ,, SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 87, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 87 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 11, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 11 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCountryName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 6 (0x6) Value Value IdAtCountryName CountryName String: BE AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 2, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 2 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: BE Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 25, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 25 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 23, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 23 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtOrganizationName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 10 (0xA) Value Value IdAtOrganizationName PrintableString String: GlobalSign nv-sa AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 16, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 16 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: GlobalSign nv-sa Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 45, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 45 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 43, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 43 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCommonName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 3 (0x3) Value Value IdAtCommonName PrintableString String: GlobalSign CloudSSL CA - SHA256 - G3 AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 36, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 36 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: GlobalSign CloudSSL CA - SHA256 - G3 Validity: From: To: SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 30, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 30 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 NotBefore UtcTime: 02/12/21 14:28:20 UTC AsnUtcTimeHeader AsnId: UTCTime type (Universal 23) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10111) 23 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Year: 21 Month: 02 Day: 12 Hours: 14 Minutes: 28 Seconds: 20 TZD: Z NotAfter UtcTime: 08/04/21 18:27:52 UTC AsnUtcTimeHeader AsnId: UTCTime type (Universal 23) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10111) 23 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Year: 21 Month: 08 Day: 04 Hours: 18 Minutes: 27 Seconds: 52 TZD: Z Subject RdnSequence: ,,,, SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 119, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 119 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 11, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 11 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCountryName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 6 (0x6) Value Value IdAtCountryName CountryName String: US AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: PrintableString type (Universal 19) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10011) 19 AsnLen: Length = 2, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 2 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: US Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 19, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 19 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 17, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 17 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtStateOrProvinceName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 8 (0x8) Value Value IdAtStateOrProvinceName Utf8String: California Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 10, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 10 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: California Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 22, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 22 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 20, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 20 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtLocalityName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 7 (0x7) Value Value IdAtLocalityName Utf8String: San Francisco Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: San Francisco Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 21, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 21 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 19, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 19 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtOrganizationName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 10 (0xA) Value Value IdAtOrganizationName Utf8String: Fastly, Inc. Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 12, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 12 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: Fastly, Inc. Name SetOfHeader AsnId: Set and SetOf types (Universal 17) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10001) 17 AsnLen: Length = 36, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 36 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AttributeTypeAndValue SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 34, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 34 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Type Oid: IdAtCommonName ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 3 (0x3) Value Value IdAtCommonName Utf8String: Utf8StringHeader AsnId: UTF8String type (Universal 12) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...01100) 12 AsnLen: Length = 27, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 27 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Utf8String: SubjectPublicKeyInfo SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 290, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 290 bytes Algorithm SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 13, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 13 bytes, LengthOfLength = 2 Algorithm: RsaEncryption (1.2.840.113549.1.1.1) AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 42 (0x2A) Part: 134 (0x86) Final: 72 (0x48) Part: 134 (0x86) Part: 247 (0xF7) Final: 13 (0xD) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) Parameters RsaEncryption: Null Value AsnNullHeader AsnId: Null type (Universal 5) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00101) 5 AsnLen: Length = 0, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 0 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 SubjectPublicKey AsnBitStringHeader AsnId: BitString type (Universal 3) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00011) 3 AsnLen: Length = 271, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 271 bytes BitString Tag3 AsnId: Context Specific Constructed Tag (3) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00011) 3 AsnLen: Length = 1935, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 1935 bytes Extensions SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 1931, LengthOfLength = 2 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 2 Length: 1931 bytes Extension: IdCeKeyUsage ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 14, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 14 bytes, LengthOfLength = 2 ExtnId: IdCeKeyUsage ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 29 (0x1D) Final: 15 (0xF) Critical: True AsnBooleanHeader AsnId: Boolean type (Universal 1) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00001) 1 AsnLen: Length = 1, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 1 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Tf: 255 (0xFF) OctetStringHeader AsnId: OctetString type (Universal 4) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00100) 4 AsnLen: Length = 4, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 4 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue IdCeKeyUsage BitStringHeader AsnId: BitString type (Universal 3) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00011) 3 AsnLen: Length = 2, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 2 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 usage: 1440 (0x5A0) DigitalSignature: (0...............) NonRepudiation: (.0..............) KeyEncipherment: (..0.............) DataEncipherment: (...0............) KeyAgreement: (....0...........) KeyCertSign: (.....1..........) Subject public key is used for verifying a signature on public key certificates CrlSign: (......0.........) EncipherOnly: (.......1........) DecipherOnly: (........1.......) Unused: (.........0100000) Extension: IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 138, LengthOfLength = 1 MultiBytesLength LengthType: LengthOfLength = 1 Length: 138 bytes ExtnId: IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 1 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 1 (0x1) OctetStringHeader AsnId: OctetString type (Universal 4) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00100) 4 AsnLen: Length = 126, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 126 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 124, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 124 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Description SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 66, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 66 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AccessMethod: PKIX_CA_ISSUERS ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 48 (0x30) Final: 2 (0x2) AccessLocation UniformResourceIdentifier String: AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Context Specific Primitive Tag (6) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 54, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 54 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: Description SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 54, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 54 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 AccessMethod: PKIX_OCSP ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 48 (0x30) Final: 1 (0x1) AccessLocation UniformResourceIdentifier String: AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Context Specific Primitive Tag (6) LowTag Class: (10......) ConText specific (2) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 42, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 42 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: Extension: IdCeCertificatePolicies ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 86, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 86 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnId: IdCeCertificatePolicies ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 85 (0x55) Final: 29 (0x1D) Final: 32 (0x20) OctetStringHeader AsnId: OctetString type (Universal 4) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00100) 4 AsnLen: Length = 79, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 79 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue IdCeCertificatePolicies SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 77, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 77 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 Policy SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 65, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 65 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyIdentifier Id: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 1 (0x1) Part: 160 (0xA0) Final: 50 (0x32) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 20 (0x14) SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 52, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 52 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifier SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 50, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 50 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifierId Id: PKIX_POLICY_QUALIFIER_CPS ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 43 (0x2B) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 7 (0x7) Final: 2 (0x2) Final: 1 (0x1) Qualifier CPSUri Uri String: AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: IA5String type (Universal 22) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10110) 22 AsnLen: Length = 38, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 38 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 OctetStream: Policy SequenceHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 8, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 8 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyIdentifier Id: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 6, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 6 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 103 (0x67) Part: 129 (0x81) Final: 12 (0xC) Final: 1 (0x1) Final: 2 (0x2) Final: 2 (0x2) SequenceOfHeader AsnId: Sequence and SequenceOf types (Universal 16) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 9, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 9 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifier SequenceHeader AsnId: ObjectIdentifier type (Universal 6) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...00110) 6 AsnLen: Length = 3, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 3 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 PolicyQualifierId Id: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: Application Primitive Tag (21) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..0.....) Primitive TagValue: (...10101) 21 AsnLen: Length = 29, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 29 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 19 (0x13) Final: 4 (0x4) Final: 2 (0x2) Final: 48 (0x30) Final: 0 (0x0) Final: 48 (0x30) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 33 (0x21) Final: 6 (0x6) Final: 3 (0x3) Final: 85 (0x55) Final: 29 (0x1D) Final: 17 (0x11) Final: 4 (0x4) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 24 (0x18) Final: 48 (0x30) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 5 (0x5) Final: 20 (0x14) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 27 (0x1B) Final: 112 (0x70) Final: 50 (0x32) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 104 (0x68) Qualifier UnknownOidExtension AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (1) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00001) 1 AsnLen: Length = 114, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 114 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 BlobValue: Binary Large Object (114 Bytes) Extension: UnknownOidExtension ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Enumerated type (Universal 10) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01010) 10 AsnLen: Length = 46, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 46 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnId: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (1) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...00001) 1 AsnLen: Length = 98, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 98 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 117 (0x75) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 104 (0x68) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 19 (0x13) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 118 (0x76) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 103 (0x67) Final: 109 (0x6D) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 112 (0x70) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 15 (0xF) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 109 (0x6D) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 110 (0x6E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 105 (0x69) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 23 (0x17) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 104 (0x68) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 118 (0x76) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 107 (0x6B) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 21 (0x15) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 104 (0x68) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 118 (0x76) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 17 (0x11) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 100 (0x64) Final: 111 (0x6F) OctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (14) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01110) 14 AsnLen: Length = 116, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 116 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnValue UnknownOidExtension AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (16) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10000) 16 AsnLen: Length = 97, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 97 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 BlobValue: Binary Large Object (97 Bytes) AsnOctetStringHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (15) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01111) 15 AsnLen: Length = 114, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 114 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 BlobValue: Binary Large Object (114 Bytes) Extension: UnknownOidExtension ( SequenceHeader AsnId: Reserved for future editions of this Recommendation | International Standard (Universal 14) LowTag Class: (00......) Universal (0) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...01110) 14 AsnLen: Length = 118, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 118 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 ExtnId: UnknownOidExtension ( AsnObjectIdentifierHeader AsnId: Application Constructed Tag (20) LowTag Class: (01......) Application (1) Type: (..1.....) Constructed TagValue: (...10100) 20 AsnLen: Length = 115, LengthOfLength = 0 OneByteLength Length: 115 bytes, LengthOfLength = 0 First: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 22 (0x16) Final: 42 (0x2A) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 120 (0x78) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 116 (0x74) Final: 103 (0x67) Final: 49 (0x31) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 105 (0x69) Final: 115 (0x73) Final: 117 (0x75) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 107 (0x6B) Final: 46 (0x2E) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 109 (0x6D) Part: 130 (0x82) Final: 19 (0x13) Final: 50 (0x32) Final: 98 (0x62) Final: 108 (0x6C) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 97 (0x61) Final: 99 (0x63) Final: 104 (0x68) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 101 (0x65) Final: 112 (0x70) Final: 111 (0x6F) Final: 114 (0x72) Final: 116 (0x74) Final: 46 (0x2E) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 05 C8 C4 FF 40 00 3A 06-5A B1 97 65 C2 31 C0 A8 .@.:.Ze1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB BF 3F 31-08 1C 0E A1 04 63 50 10 .@.ۿ?1....cP. 0x0030 00 83 74 F9 00 00 16 03-03 00 45 02 00 00 41 03 .t......E...A. 0x0040 03 9A 85 F0 F3 0C 44 F8-7A F2 7F 0C 34 C9 2A 85 ..Dz.4* 0x0050 C7 51 E2 3A DB 50 96 11-39 25 0A AD 85 94 1B B5 Q:P.9%.. 0x0060 4F 00 C0 2F 00 00 19 FF-01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 O./........... 0x0070 00 0B 00 04 03 00 01 02-00 23 00 00 00 17 00 00 .........#...... 0x0080 16 03 03 0F 85 0B 00 0F-81 00 0F 7E 00 0A E9 30 .........~..0 0x0090 82 0A E5 30 82 09 CD A0-03 02 01 02 02 0C 3B B8 .0.͠......; 0x00A0 59 74 50 E2 75 9C 98 0C-D6 AE 30 0D 06 09 2A 86 YtPu.֮0...* 0x00B0 48 86 F7 0D 01 01 0B 05-00 30 57 31 0B 30 09 06 H......0W1.0.. 0x00C0 03 55 04 06 13 02 42 45-31 19 30 17 06 03 55 04 .U....BE1.0...U. 0x00D0 0A 13 10 47 6C 6F 62 61-6C 53 69 67 6E 20 6E 76 ...GlobalSign nv 0x00E0 2D 73 61 31 2D 30 2B 06-03 55 04 03 13 24 47 6C -sa1-0+..U...$Gl 0x00F0 6F 62 61 6C 53 69 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6F 6C 6C 61 72-73 68 61 76 65 63 6C 75 *.dollarshaveclu 0x04C0 62 2E 63 6F 6D 82 11 2A-2E 64 6F 6E 74 70 61 79*.dontpay 0x04D0 66 75 6C 6C 2E 63 6F 6D-82 0F 2A 2E 65 62 69 73*.ebis 0x04E0 75 62 6F 6F 6B 2E 63 6F-6D 82 0F 2A 2E 66 73 2E*.fs. 0x04F0 6A 69 62 6A 61 62 2E 63-6F 6D 82 13 2A 2E 66 73*.fs 0x0500 2E 75 6E 69 74 70 72 69-6E 74 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0x0510 14 2A 2E 69 6E 64 79 2E-6D 79 6F 6D 6E 69 67 6F .*.indy.myomnigo 0x0520 6E 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0C 2A-2E 6A 77 61 74 63 68 2E*.jwatch. 0x0530 6F 72 67 82 0E 2A 2E 6D-6F 64 63 6C 6F 74 68 2E org.*.modcloth. 0x0540 6E 65 74 82 0E 2A 2E 6F-72 69 6F 6E 6C 61 62 73 net.*.orionlabs 0x0550 2E 69 6F 82 0C 2A 2E 73-63 6F 64 6C 65 2E 63 6F .io.* 0x0560 6D 82 10 2A 2E 74 68 65-66 6F 72 65 6D 61 6E 2E m.*.theforeman. 0x0570 6F 72 67 82 16 2A 2E 75-70 6C 6F 61 64 73 2E 65 org.*.uploads.e 0x0580 76 65 72 73 69 67 6E 2E-63 6F 6D 82 14 2A 2E 75*.u 0x0590 70 6C 6F 61 64 73 2E 73-63 68 6F 6F 78 2E 63 6F 0x05A0 6D 82 09 2A 2E 76 74 73-2E 63 6F 6D 82 16 2A 2E m.**. 0x05B0 78 2E 73 74 67 31 2E 65-62 69 73 75 62 6F 6F 6B x.stg1.ebisubook 0x05C0 2E 63 6F 6D 82 13 32 62-6C 65 61 63 68 65 72 72 .com.2bleacherr 0x05D0 65 70 6F 72 74 2E eport. ============================================================================ Packet #61, Direction: In, Time:15:37:13.147164, Size: 1494 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 50432, Total IP Length = 1480 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 1480 (0x5C8) Identification: 50432 (0xC500) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 23216 (0x5AB0) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56255, PayloadLen=1440, Seq=1060179388 - 1060180828, Ack=245433443, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56255 SequenceNumber: 1060179388 (0x3F310DBC) AcknowledgementNumber: 245433443 (0xEA10463) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 131 Checksum: 0xFA72, Good UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) TCPPayload: SourcePort = 443, DestinationPort = 56255 UnknownData: Binary Large Object (1440 Bytes) Raw Data: 0x0000 10 C3 7B 6C B5 89 04 A2-22 67 29 91 08 00 45 00 .{l."g)..E. 0x0010 05 C8 C5 00 40 00 3A 06-5A B0 97 65 C2 31 C0 A8 ..@.:.Ze1 0x0020 01 40 01 BB DB BF 3F 31-0D BC 0E A1 04 63 50 10 .@.ۿ?1...cP. 0x0030 00 83 FA 72 00 00 63 6F-6D 82 13 33 62 6C 65 61 0x0040 63 68 65 72 72 65 70 6F-72 74 2E 63 6F 6D 82 13 0x0050 34 62 6C 65 61 63 68 65-72 72 65 70 6F 72 74 2E 4bleacherreport. 0x0060 63 6F 6D 82 13 38 62 6C-65 61 63 68 65 72 72 65 com.8bleacherre 0x0070 70 6F 72 74 2E 63 6F 6D-82 08 61 62 75 73 65 2E 0x0080 63 68 82 0D 63 64 6E 2E-66 77 75 70 64 2E 6F 72 ch.cdn.fwupd.or 0x0090 67 82 11 63 64 6E 2E 6C-69 76 69 6E 67 6D 61 70 g.cdn.livingmap 0x00A0 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0E 63 64-6E 2E 73 65 61 74 65 64 .com.cdn.seated 0x00B0 2E 63 6F 6D 82 13 63 6C-69 6E 69 63 61 6C 6F 70 .com.clinicalop 0x00C0 74 69 6F 6E 73 2E 63 6F-6D 82 26 63 6F 6E 74 65 0x00D0 6E 74 2D 70 72 65 70 72-6F 64 2E 62 65 61 76 65 nt-preprod.beave 0x00E0 72 62 72 6F 6F 6B 73 77-65 62 32 2E 63 6F 2E 75 0x00F0 6B 82 1A 63 6F 6E 74 65-6E 74 2E 62 65 61 76 65 k.content.beave 0x0100 72 62 72 6F 6F 6B 73 2E-63 6F 2E 75 6B 82 11 63 0x0110 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 67-61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 0x0120 82 1E 63 6F 70 74 65 72-72 6F 79 61 6C 65 2E 63 .copterroyale.c 0x0130 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 67-61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 0x0140 82 18 64 38 2D 64 65 76-2E 63 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 .d8-dev.coolmat 0x0150 68 67 61 6D 65 73 2E 63-6F 6D 82 19 64 65 66 6C 0x0160 79 69 6F 2E 63 6F 6F 6C-6D 61 74 68 67 61 6D 65 yio.coolmathgame 0x0170 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0D 64-69 6D 65 6E 73 69 6F 6E 0x0180 73 2E 61 69 82 15 64 6F-6C 6C 61 72 73 68 61 76 0x0190 65 63 6C 75 62 2E 63 6F-2E 75 6B 82 13 64 6F 6C 0x01A0 6C 61 72 73 68 61 76 65-63 6C 75 62 2E 63 6F 6D 0x01B0 82 0F 64 6F 6E 74 70 61-79 66 75 6C 6C 2E 63 6F 0x01C0 6D 82 0E 65 6C 75 6E 69-76 65 72 73 6F 2E 63 6F 0x01D0 6D 82 0D 66 65 65 64 6D-61 72 6B 65 74 2E 66 72 0x01E0 82 1C 69 64 65 6E 74 69-74 79 2E 6C 69 6E 75 78 .identity.linux 0x01F0 66 6F 75 6E 64 61 74 69-6F 6E 2E 6F 72 67 82 0A 0x0200 6A 77 61 74 63 68 2E 6F-72 67 82 19 6C 69 73 74 0x0210 73 2E 6C 69 6E 75 78 66-6F 75 6E 64 61 74 69 6F s.linuxfoundatio 0x0220 6E 2E 6F 72 67 82 19 6D-2D 73 74 61 67 65 2E 63 0x0230 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 67-61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 0x0240 82 13 6D 2E 63 6F 6F 6C-6D 61 74 68 67 61 6D 65 .m.coolmathgame 0x0250 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0C 6D-6F 64 63 6C 6F 74 68 2E 0x0260 6E 65 74 82 0C 6F 72 69-6F 6E 6C 61 62 73 2E 69 net.orionlabs.i 0x0270 6F 82 0A 73 63 6F 64 6C-65 2E 63 6F 6D 82 17 73 0x0280 74 61 67 65 2E 63 6F 6F-6C 6D 61 74 68 67 61 6D tage.coolmathgam 0x0290 65 73 2E 63 6F 6D 82 14-73 74 61 67 69 6E 67 2E 0x02A0 61 70 70 62 6C 61 64 65-2E 63 6F 6D 82 1B 73 74 0x02B0 67 2E 70 6C 61 74 66 6F-72 6D 2E 65 6C 75 6E 69 g.platform.eluni 0x02C0 76 65 72 73 6F 2E 63 6F-6D 82 0E 74 68 65 66 6F 0x02D0 72 65 6D 61 6E 2E 6F 72-67 82 15 76 69 64 65 6F 0x02E0 2D 63 64 6E 2E 71 75 69-70 70 65 72 2E 63 6F 6D 0x02F0 82 17 76 69 64 65 6F 73-2E 63 61 6C 63 77 6F 72 .videos.calcwor 0x0300 6B 73 68 6F 70 2E 63 6F-6D 82 07 76 74 73 2E 63 0x0310 6F 6D 82 15 77 77 77 2E-63 6F 6F 6C 6D 61 74 68 om.www.coolmath 0x0320 67 61 6D 65 73 2E 63 6F-6D 82 12 77 77 77 2E 65 0x0330 6C 75 6E 69 76 65 72 73-6F 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0E 77 0x0340 77 77 2E 66 6C 69 6E 74-6F 2E 63 6F 6D 82 0F 77 0x0350 77 77 2E 6E 65 74 61 63-65 61 2E 63 6F 6D 30 1D ww.netacea.com0. 0x0360 06 03 55 1D 25 04 16 30-14 06 08 2B 06 01 05 05 ..U.%..0...+.... 0x0370 07 03 01 06 08 2B 06 01-05 05 07 03 02 30 1F 06 .....+.......0.. 0x0380 03 55 1D 23 04 18 30 16-80 14 A9 2B 87 E1 CE 24 .U.#..0..+$ 0x0390 47 3B 1B BF CF 85 37 02-55 9D 0D 94 58 E6 30 1D G;.υ7.U.X0. 0x03A0 06 03 55 1D 0E 04 16 04-14 D8 23 B4 78 C3 C9 AB ..U......#xɫ 0x03B0 60 9E A9 56 42 21 E5 F5-62 B5 6F BD 39 30 82 01 `VB!bo90. 0x03C0 03 06 0A 2B 06 01 04 01-D6 79 02 04 02 04 81 F4 ...+....y.... 0x03D0 04 81 F1 00 EF 00 76 00-5C DC 43 92 FE E6 AB 45 ...v.\CE 0x03E0 44 B1 5E 9A D4 56 E6 10-37 FB D5 FA 47 DC A1 73 D^V.7Gܡs 0x03F0 94 B2 5E E6 F6 C7 0E CA-00 00 01 77 96 A4 95 08 ^....w. 0x0400 00 00 04 03 00 47 30 45-02 21 00 C0 57 67 DF 51 .....G0E.!.WgQ 0x0410 EC B6 3C A4 E6 F2 B4 1C-7B 6A 06 9E 96 FD 0C A4 <.{j.. 0x0420 BB C2 1A 1C D6 75 4E F3-2D 00 73 02 20 6F 8A 6A ..uN-.s. oj 0x0430 C8 F1 A4 E0 23 13 B3 9B-0A CA 04 3B 9B AE 51 AB #...;Q 0x0440 2B 0E E3 F7 F5 16 03 54-70 CF 51 78 7F 00 75 00 +...TpQx.u. 0x0450 F6 5C 94 2F D1 77 30 22-14 54 18 08 30 94 56 8E \/w0".T..0V 0x0460 E3 4D 13 19 33 BF DF 0C-2F 20 0B CC 4E F1 64 E3 M..3./ .Nd 0x0470 00 00 01 77 96 A4 95 BA-00 00 04 03 00 46 30 44 ...w.....F0D 0x0480 02 20 48 97 72 EC D9 D8-1A 87 93 42 F3 9F 14 71 . 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IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 40 (0x28) Identification: 391 (0x187) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 128 (0x80) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 0 (0x0) [Bad] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=56255, DstPort=HTTPS(443), PayloadLen=0, Seq=245433443, Ack=1060180828, Win=1029 SrcPort: 56255 DstPort: HTTPS(443) SequenceNumber: 245433443 (0xEA10463) AcknowledgementNumber: 1060180828 (0x3F31135C) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) CWR not significant ECE: (.0......) ECN-Echo not significant Urgent: (..0.....) Not Urgent Data Ack: (...1....) Acknowledgement field significant Push: (....0...) No Push Function Reset: (.....0..) No Reset Syn: (......0.) Not Synchronize sequence numbers Fin: (.......0) Not End of data Window: 1029 Checksum: 0x1B9A, Bad (Must be 0x4D44) UrgentPointer: 0 (0x0) Raw Data: 0x0000 04 A2 22 67 29 91 10 C3-7B 6C B5 89 08 00 45 00 ."g).{l..E. 0x0010 00 28 01 87 40 00 80 06-00 00 C0 A8 01 40 97 65 .(.@.....@e 0x0020 C2 31 DB BF 01 BB 0E A1-04 63 3F 31 13 5C 50 10 1ۿ...c?1.\P. 0x0030 04 05 1B 9A 00 00 ..... ============================================================================ Packet #63, Direction: In, Time:15:37:13.147407, Size: 1494 ETHERNET: Etype = Internet IP (IPv4),DestinationAddress:[89:B5:6C:7B:C3:10],SourceAddress:[91:29:67:22:A2:04] DestinationAddress: 10:C3:7B:6C:B5:89 SourceAddress: 04:A2:22:67:29:91 EthernetType: Internet IP (IPv4), 2048(0x800) Ipv4: Src =, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 50433, Total IP Length = 1480 Versions: IPv4, Internet Protocol; Header Length = 20 Version: (0100....) IPv4, Internet Protocol HeaderLength: (....0101) 20 bytes (0x5) DifferentiatedServicesField: DSCP: 0, ECN: 0 DSCP: (000000..) Differentiated services codepoint 0 ECT: (......0.) ECN-Capable Transport not set CE: (.......0) ECN-CE not set TotalLength: 1480 (0x5C8) Identification: 50433 (0xC501) FragmentFlags: 16384 (0x4000) Reserved: (0...............) DF: (.1..............) Do not fragment MF: (..0.............) This is the last fragment Offset: (...0000000000000) 0 TimeToLive: 58 (0x3A) NextProtocol: TCP, 6(0x6) Checksum: 23215 (0x5AAF) [Good] SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Tcp: Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTPS(443), DstPort=56255, PayloadLen=1440, Seq=1060180828 - 1060182268, Ack=245433443, Win=131 SrcPort: HTTPS(443) DstPort: 56255 SequenceNumber: 1060180828 (0x3F31135C) AcknowledgementNumber: 245433443 (0xEA10463) DataOffset: 80 (0x50) DataOffset: (0101....) 20 bytes Reserved: (....000.) NS: (.......0) Nonce Sum not significant Flags: ...A.... CWR: (0.......) 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