<p>Hi there, I have just installed unbound and I saw this error message at
syslog, does anyone know what this means and how can I fix it?<br
/><br />Syslog output:<br /><br />error: read (in tcp s): Connection reset
by peer<br />error: read (in tcp s): Connection reset by peer<br />error:
read (in tcp s): Connection reset by peer<br /><br />Here is my
unbound.conf:<br /><br />server:<br
/> verbosity: 6<br
/> num-threads: 1<br
/> interface:<br
/> interface: ::0<br
/> do-ip4: yes<br
/> do-ip6: no<br
/> do-udp: yes<br
/> do-tcp: yes<br
/> outgoing-range: 256<br
/> access-control:
allow<br /> access-control: ::1
allow<br /> hide-identity:
yes<br /> hide-version: yes<br
/> module-config:
"iterator"<br />
outgoing-num-tcp: 30<br />
incoming-num-tcp: 30<br />remote-control:<br
/> control-enable: yes<br
/> control-interface:<br
/> control-port: 953<br
/> server-key-file:
/> server-cert-file:
/> control-key-file:
/> control-cert-file:
"/usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound_control.pem"<br /><br
/>regards,<br />Dario.</p>