<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>Hi Anand,<br><br><br>thanks for the quick response now the transfer works 😊<br><br>The changes i made:<br><br><br>dns1:<br><br>pattern:<br> name: "dns2"<br> notify: 45.xx.yy.195@5353 sec_key<br> provide-xfr: 45.xx.yy.195 sec_key<br><br><br><br>dns2:<br><br>pattern:<br> name: "dns1"<br> allow-notify: 45.xx.yy.194 sec_key<br> request-xfr: AXFR 45.xx.yy.194@5353 sec_key<br><br><br>Another small thing was the fact that the command nsd-control write <zone> always says "ok" but nothing was written!<br>Turns out that the you have to change the permissions to user "nsd" ;-)<br><br><br>Thanks again everything is working fine now.<br><br><br>Oliver</body></html>